Hello guys ! Thanks for your opinions

I will answer to Fenris and BenDover at same time :

This is the first look, nothing is definitive in it. The "Heroes never die" will change, but i was searching about the good moment to put it and the good font. I was wondering what to use, but you give me some good ideas Fenris, I like your exemple fonts ;)

Bendover, what do you want to mean by "style is still lacking" ?

If you are talking about the qualitiy of the rendering, I have passed a lot of time in the rendering settings to make it more "hd" (my previous vids was on 720, now i passed at 1080), but I cant avoid interpolations. I try to have a very clear video (the clearest i ever seen for toribash is a short one made with largekilla's replays) and that interpolation very annoying me :/

My Youtube channel : Mocucha Toribash

Originally Posted by Mocucha View Post
Bendover, what do you want to mean by "style is still lacking" ?

i meant your sense of design, understanding of aesthetics, use of colour, knowing whats missing and how to fix it.
that kind of stuff.
quality of rendering and settings and stuff hasnt got anything to do with it.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Great work Mocu, I could see this turning into something a bit like BOA.
Loved the camera angles, production, and the song choice.
<Spartan094> jcan't into links fck bithse sg mgiet monehy lolololf
Well the replays are obviously outstanding, duh its Oblivion, but the editing and such is really good too! Good job!


Dat synch bro. The effects were done just right. Can't wait to see the finished product.
I've got 2 things I wanna know
1. What was the mod at 1:20?
2. What shader did you use at 1:15?
-Could've done some more interesting transitions
-The glare on the feet in the spars is ugly and looks really cheesy and it didn't look right in the final replay either
-Orange dirt/smoke whatever overlay over grass/blue sky and grey shaders and atmospheres
-Don't lower max fps in toribash if you're going to slow down like with the skateboarding replay
-Text fits with the oblivion thumbnail, yeay.

I'm not sure what you have to do irl but I feel like this video shouldn't have taken longer than 2 1/2 hours to make tops
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up