Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[SMOD] Punch-Out!!

You don't have to fight Mike Tyson.

Make a replay of you and Uke sparring.
This sparring match won't be an ordinary one, what you have to do is mimic a real life prizefighting match.
That means you can't kick, you can only punch. Avoid touching the floor with anything else than your feet, that counts as a knockout.
Gravity setting 0 0 -30 must be used for this.

The most action rich and realistic replay wins.

- On the case of knockouts, you may touch the ground for extra drama. -
Not allowed:
- Kicking -
- Using mods -
- Not flipping around, try to be balanced -
- Try to avoid spinning, too -
- Checking out boxing videos -

Q: Does the replay have to be created specifically for this event? Or can it be an old one?
A: We'd like it very much if it was specificially just for this event. Ya know, that shows determination!

Q: I can't do this!
A: True, it is not easy to do a good replay, but this wouldn't be a competitive event if there wasn't any challenge, am I right? Just keep tryin' ye basterd!

Flame: Foot Flamies
Flame number 2583 and 2584. You can choose for which foot you want the flame.
First place prize only!

You have 3 weeks to create your replays. Judging starts in 2013.10.5.

Last edited by Tonakai; Apr 22, 2013 at 02:25 PM.
Originally Posted by JSnuffMARS View Post
Well, I think this is not possible in Toribash. Mostly, because on punching your legs will rotate and it's real hard to get them back to the position.

How about you use some special mod for this with a bit bigger feet or something? I mean, I'm really sure it's not likely to make a good boxing like this. I mean, probably harder than anything has been done before.

You're pretty new to Toribash, are you not?
Like Oblivion said, things like this has been done countless times before, in multiplayer as well. The challenge is not to make a boxing replay, but to make it look as good as possible.

Reserving this post for later entry.

Also, saying that Oblivion is "okay on replays" feels pretty disrespectful to me. He's by far one of the best replaymakers in the community, and has inspired me and countless other people into improving.
Take my advice and show the oldfags some respect, or you won't last long. Trust me, I know from experience.
Alright, I'm on this.
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
Can you use mods?
If someone already asked that I'm sorry for asking again.
<Vordred>ther are very girls in my village

Edit - Just a note, this was made from scratch.
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Last edited by Kiza; May 3, 2013 at 09:22 PM.
Originally Posted by sprytryne View Post
Does the replay have to be created specifically for this event? Or can it be an old one?

Lots of plus points for having it done just for this event.

Originally Posted by Tetsuru View Post
Can you use mods?
If someone already asked that I'm sorry for asking again.

Naay, let's give everyone an equal chance with the good ol' classic mod.
Let's say that the first 300 frames are already made beforehand, and 700 frames are added so that it will be worthy of this event. Will that still have plus points?