Name : Berryl (Nyelulu123)
Belt : blue (almost brown)
Favorite Mod : twinsword (my twinsword global rank is 4)
Age : 13
Past clan : Fviper, kamikaz, blood circle pro
Any bans : no
Why you want to join this clan : I would love to be in this clan I could send my TC to a clan bank and I will put my awesomeness in to this clan
Assasin Of The [l]
Nyelulu, As you seem to already be in a clan, any form of application you have submitted or are thinking of submitting any time soon is to be rejected. Don't bother editing your current app or posting a new one.

I also suggest you learn how to edit posts or make new ones so you know how to retract applications in the future instead of wasting our time.
Last edited by Angsty; Jun 24, 2013 at 08:19 AM.

Almost all of your modern troubles can be taken care of with a simple
⦁ Name (What you go by): Water
⦁ Age: 14
⦁ Reason for wanting to Join: I want to fit in with the sexies.
⦁ Past bans/infractions: 1 infraction for bidding extremely low on an auction
⦁ Alts (if any): Nope
⦁ About you (Give us roughly a paragraph describing yourself, your hobbies, etc.): I am the coolest person in the world, and in my spare time I like to eat food.
⦁ Any further details you think we should know about you/your account: I will be dedicated and you can hug me whenever you feel like.
Water, your application has been acknowledged. Wait for a response from either Qubic or Fancy.

Almost all of your modern troubles can be taken care of with a simple
Hey ninjahead here. I want to apply to this clan ,because I feel it could because I feel it could become fucking amazing. I want to be in a clan with players a who are active , and players who respect each other. I left other clans ,because they were inactive and didn't respect each other. I don't think that would happen here.A little bit about myself is if I have your back then I would hope that you would do the same for me. Also if I disrespect you then I feel that I should be kicked from this clan if I get accepted I understand that and that's why I wouldn't be rude or mean to any of the clan members now or to come. I have played with qubic who is an amazing player ,and extremely hard to beat. I wish some day to catch up to him and become as good if not better. I have possibly played with a few of you too. I am good at aikido in my opinion. I think it's my best mod. I am a 2nd degree black belt. I am very active Ingram and can post at least five times on the forum each day if necessary. I am currently inactive until the week after next because I'm at camp. Lastly I think this clan could become one of the best , and I want to be a part of it when that happens. Thanks for reading this I appreciate it.i am 14 also my real name I jalen.
For the sake of the post, my vote is a strong no. Your first application on the wrong thread was atrocious, and this one's not much better.

Almost all of your modern troubles can be taken care of with a simple
Who - Andrew, [Ally]KingRa7en, [Oblv]KingRa7en, Vaalbara, KRS7, [DELTA]K7, etc...
What - Male
When - Aprox. 16 years ago.
Where - United States
Why - To play guitar and, of course, Toribash.

Can't say much more on here, nor do I feel the need to.
Who - Andrew, [Ally]KingRa7en, [Oblv]KingRa7en, Vaalbara, KRS7, [DELTA]K7, etc...
What - Human male
When - Aprox. 16 years ago.
Where - United States
Why - To play guitar and, of course, Toribash.

Can't say much more on here, nor do I feel the need to.
Sorry for double post, connection issues and unable to edit...won't say much more at ths time...
Last edited by KingRa7en; Jun 27, 2013 at 08:15 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
We need to strengthen our roots and bloom the inner flowers that represent our minds. We are not beasts. Not savages, but men.- PeaceKeeper62
Beside your application being oddly put together, I honestly wish you would have put more into it (perhaps the things we asked for in the original post, eh?) Did you even check out the template/stuff we asked for before you posted?

Almost all of your modern troubles can be taken care of with a simple
I know both Qubic and Pamaaj (Fancy) from our previous clan, I can of course add more info, but felt it unnecessary at least for them.

Holes in application:
Infracted once for offering more TC than I had as a joke, nothing else.
Alts: Vaalbara, KRS7. A couple more that I don't use (or remember).
Reason for joining. Well, I've decided not to apply for a clan in the middle of the night anymore because considering the importance of this part 1:00 AM me felt it unimportant...I want to join simply because my old clan that I loved died, Qubic and Fancy saw this and left, I need a new home. I don't know Angsty or Mat well, but you guys seem cool enough.

I'm an active player, both forum wise and in game. Black belt on my main, which means I'm still learning.
We need to strengthen our roots and bloom the inner flowers that represent our minds. We are not beasts. Not savages, but men.- PeaceKeeper62