Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
T0astman's Wrestling Competition [Not Like The Others]
Hey T0ast here, Im doing a new Tournament the date will be 26TH JULY AT 22:00 GMT I WILL POST IN THIS THREAD 1 HOUR BEFORE THE TOURNAMENT STARTS!
Anyone Black Belt + Can Join. You just show up on the date [when there is one] and you can play.

It will be a 1-2 Hour Free For All Depending on how I Feel

The mode will remain hidden until the day and it will take place in Dark Seraphs Server [Server 117]

It will not be like the other wrestling comps with a dojo and pin, it will be a win by submission [Have to fracture the opponents neck] if you manage to get your opponent into submission the person that got submitted will spec and enter for the trounament to carry on.

Im Semi Poor atm but there will be no entry fee. If any of you could willingly donate for the tournament that would be great.If no-one donates ill have to buy some tc and buy a item :P [if i can scrape some cash up]

Basic Rules:
Listen to The Host
No Racism
Swear Your Fucking Heads Off!
Be Nice
Dont Swear at People but Swear!
Last edited by T0astman; Jul 20, 2008 at 09:05 PM.
Wb Dp the mod and mode is up in Server 117 dont have to spec when neck is fractured while practicing but on the day that rules will be in effect
Nice idea I'll try to make it. Would be good in future game updates if there were custom winning conditions like this.