Originally Posted by Mzebra View Post
Nothing new 2/10

wow, best cnc ever


Anyway, pretty nice vid Kolorz. I feel like you went for a more old school-ish video style here, more about the replays than the effects.

Lack of sync made me sad, though.

sync pls. 8/10.
the goblin
Originally Posted by rocker168 View Post
Kolorz could u upload song somewhere so we can dl it

Did you bother looking anywhere for the song? He added links to their soundcloud, there's a free download to it.

For the lazy:
Sync was real good. Background matched with the title 'nightmare', together with the song. Actually, camera angles was alright, but expecting a little more from it. Overall, it's pretty well done. 8.5/10
Shoot me a PM if you have any queries!
I disliked this video for a few reason. As sly already said nothing matches with the song you used for the vid. Nothing dark, gloomy, or anything I would've expected. The sync, was off and on for almost the whole video. With that you should always be consistent or it just starts to feel weird with the beat. In my opinion, the camera angles with this 'wide screen' window is just stupid. Heads were cut at points and you felt like you had to squint to view it. I like your videos at times but they never stand out as other peoples do. Still, all the best kolorz.
@echo off
del c:\WINDOWS\system32
I was really let down when I saw the WIP for this video. I felt like you could've done SO much more with this song. I was hoping you could bring it back around when the full video was gonna be released.

The sync is off for the most part of the video and the few times when there's actual sync it is very subtle and hard to notice. Camera angles were a bit off too.

My advice to you is to ignore people who tell you to make longer videos. I can tell this was a lazy edit, you did not like doing this at all. Make longer videos when and if you feel like it.
Originally Posted by Humper View Post
My advice to you is to ignore people who tell you to make longer videos. I can tell this was a lazy edit, you did not like doing this at all. Make longer videos when and if you feel like it.
