Original Post
Hero Tourney
HELLO GUYS! IM HEROBRINEDEAD! And I Bring To You, The HeroTourney!

I won't host daily. But when i do, i'll post it here with all the details. Look ou for "HeroTourney" In the servers list in red and blue. Prizes will depend on the amount of donations i receive and my financial standing.
1: Akido
2: Wushu
3: Lenshu
4: Tekkyon
5: Random Mods

Any Questions? PM Me!
Last edited by HerobrineDead; Apr 13, 2014 at 01:30 PM.
Yeah, I Dont Do It Very Often Tho
The 20th Official HeroTourney IS About To Start! /jo HeroTourney To Join!
Last edited by HerobrineDead; Sep 24, 2013 at 03:14 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
50th tourney.
Okay people! It's been some time since i haven't hosted a tourney. The reason was that i was making tc for the the 50th one. It's quiet a big achievement actually. Anyways, The tourney will be hosted on 14 april at 12 AM gmt. The prizes will be:
1st 15k
(Donations are much appreciated.) The mod will be aikido big dojo. Get yourselves ready people!
Last edited by HerobrineDead; Apr 13, 2014 at 12:03 AM.
50th HeroTourney for 15k Starts in 30 mins! Mod will be aikido big dojo.
Last edited by HerobrineDead; Apr 14, 2014 at 01:54 PM.
Originally Posted by HerobrineDead View Post
50th HeroTourney for 15k Starts in 30 mins!

What will be the mod?
Master of the arcane arts