Originally Posted by SupaFita View Post
I hate rain. It soaks you and shit and I get pissed off when I leave my bag in the rain and have to carry it around.

Don't leave your bag in the rain then, dummy.
I came here to laugh at you
Hate is a strong word, but I dislike discussion board. It's basically three or four people debating endlessly until it becomes personal and a moderator locks up the thread. Then they carry on their rivalry in some other thread.

Plus there is always this one poor guy who gets humiliated for not citing sources. It's just sad.
Oh dear. A long list of things I hate. Put into more serious topics and totally unrelated topics.


I hate a lot. :c
Toribash TakeOVER
<Colossus> ROFL
<Colossus> my friend got hit by a car
<Colossus> gonna go visit him. brb

[22:45:46] <Thorn> I know she likes it in the ear
[22:45:53] <Thorn> because when I put it to her mouth she turns away
Fridays which turn out shitty cuz it is actually my favourite day of the whole week -.-
The stupidity of mankind
People who dont know the difference between wisdom and knowledge
People who think everything matches logic and science
Closeminded people
Missclicks while i had a good set up for something
When people make grammar similiar to intellegence
People who act like a douchebag for no reason
People who act smart with something, but actually dont have a own opinion about it.
The following Ignorance when people face their own ignorance
People who think i take tb seriouse
People who dont know me but still talk bullshit about me
When i get a spasm on my foot
When my foot falls asleep and i have to go down the stairs
People who think banging bitches makes them awesome
Captchas which you canīt solve
People who dont respect the interests of others
Last edited by Anum; Sep 13, 2013 at 07:01 PM.
I hate those facebook girls who post themselfs on facebook 24/7 then get annoyed when boys want to date them :/
I had like a 3000 word list in toriprime.

But I'm lazy so:

Stupid people
People with low iq
People with no knowledge of something who try to argue it with me
People who actually take anything I say seriously @gay stuff
White people

Basically humanity in general.
Here are the things I hate. So yeah.

Hated Things

Is that a lot of hate?

Besties with Sham. That is all
Originally Posted by HashtagYolo View Post
I had like a 3000 word list in toriprime.

But I'm lazy so:

Stupid people
People with low iq
People with no knowledge of something who try to argue it with me
People who actually take anything I say seriously @gay stuff
White people

Basically humanity in general.

Hashtags and YOLOs

also, league of legends fanboys
f=m*a syens
Originally Posted by Arglax View Post
Hashtags and YOLOs

also, league of legends fanboys

Can you change that to moba in general
-Getting lost in the FUCKING woods for over 2 hours (Lovely thing happened to me and a friend today.)
-Douchebags who can't speak normally. Like, they can't finish a sentence without any problems: "Like uhm, I don't uhhh yeah know... he is maybe *grunt* probably a faggot"
Translated this literally from Dutch, I heard this last week. People from my age tend to have a speaking problem?
-My internet that ruins my gaming experience on steam and ESPECIALLY Playstation Network. I can't describe one single time I had a fun time playing online on my ps3. (It may very well be the PSN itself)
-Attention seeking people who just make you roll eyes and want to kill yourself, I am of course talking about annoying people in my school.
-A lot more