Flexx, you never countered. If you ask me why so low, maybe it's a little low, but then again look at that weird asymetric legs of first set. Reminds me that dude who made bad sets for venuk, what was his name?

Oh, wait, you're being accused of stealing arts? I'm interested how this will turn out before sending TC (in case you accept my offer). :O
Originally Posted by Flexxx View Post
and this?

this is mine too

Originally Posted by Flexxx View Post
octane my old acc/ set not sold
mu old tread on ru forum / set not sold

please tell me why are you offering on this (2 year old thread)
if octane is your old acc and i've told you this set is mine
Last edited by dylan86; Oct 1, 2013 at 07:18 PM.
so all my sets have been sold, and if I want to sell everything that would make me banned

inactive OP