Originally Posted by Dupbuck View Post
Cool sync and effects. Song and replays kicked ass.

Thanks dupbuck, be sure to stay gangster like caillou
Clan League 2013 & 2019 Champion
Praise BONDarenko
Nice sync , sub.
"Joining ormo should not be seen primarily as an achievement but as an indication of what your future could be". ~Pusga
the flashing was awesome, it really made it look alot better. syncing was good, except in 0 : 37 - 0 : 39, where it was a bit late/bit too early. but nice atmosphere, 7/10

I have deleted two of your posts, because they were useless. Please read the art rules or you will end up infracted. This post is good, give some actual critique, in stead of the "Awesome or pretty good /10"

Last edited by Fenris; Dec 21, 2013 at 01:34 PM.
Well my good man that was very ubr3 pro, the freecam was perfeotoo and the sunc was very sexyyy
(> <) So then I ate it...Sorry. [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
nice vid, like everyone said, the sync was great i liked the music and replays, and the flashes, pretty, pretty flashes.

really good for an impersonator of the dead
When Will Chaney take back his fucking 3,000 Christmas hats
Very nice replays, just one thing how is there no blood, and how do you get the timer and name's in the corners away, do you crop the film?
~The Age Of Gaming~
to remove blood and stains type
/opt blood 0
/opt bloodstains 0

then for the hud type
/opt hud 0
Clan League 2013 & 2019 Champion
Praise BONDarenko