Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Name: TellyTubby
Belt: 2nd Dan Black Belt
Age: 13
Skype: none
Forum Activity: 3
In-Game Activity: 9
Why do I want to join (Pause)?: Who doesn't?
Tell something about yourself: I live in South Africa.
I'm also swagalicious(That is a word(If not it should be)).
Last edited by TellyTubby; Jun 15, 2014 at 03:32 PM. Reason: I felt like it okay?
Me IRL|Nothar|#TBmediaRevolution
Sparks puts bad jokes in his siggy
Pause Application
Name: MaxPainn
Belt: Orange Belt, But I've had a 3rd dan Black belt, forgot his password.
Age: 17
Forum Activity, Qualify Yourself 1-10:8
In-Game Activity,Qualify Yourself 1-10:10
Why You Want To Join In (Pause)?: I think it would be nice to join pause, i have some friends from pause and they like it here so i figured i might try out and enjoy it myself, I feel like i can learn alot from you guys.
Tell something about yourself: Im friendly, i try to help out as much as i can, i fight in Judo Tournys.

Post 5 of Your Best Replays: Dont really have any replays at the moment.
Name: chillman10
Belt: Black Belt
Skype: N/A
Forum Activity:5.5
In-Game Quality: 9
Why i want to join you: You guy are a good clan ive played against some of you and beaten and been beat by you.
About Me: Well my best mods are judo and judofrac im ranked 24,561 globaly and that about it.
A black belt is only a white belt that never gave up.
Pause APP
Forum Activity, Qualify Yourself 1-10:8
In-Game Activity,Qualify Yourself 1-10:9
Why You Want To Join In (Pause)?: Because I want a good clan with nice and friendly people who are good and can maybe teach me a couple of things to help me fit in.
Tell something about yourself: I play soccer. IRL

Post 5 of Your Best Replays:I dont post replays just play the game and have fun.
Name: victor3680 (RL name Victor. E.G)
Belt:brown( 70-80 more wins till black)
Skype(optional): vman765g
Forum Activity, Qualify Yourself 1-10:8
In-Game Activity,Qualify Yourself 1-10: 10
Why You Want To Join In (Pause)?: Well i met many ppl in your clan they are one of the nicest ppl in the game. Ive beaten some of your clan members that are 2-3den. more then once and they show love of the game like i do. but known that im not a Den yet sucks. tbh i want to show ppl i have skill. i want to be in this great clan. Im on really almost everyday.
Something about me: i live in the USA. i play sports. Work hard. nice person over all
Attached Files
My Skills are ok .rpl (71.7 KB, 3 views)
no way xD.rpl (46.2 KB, 4 views)
Over the back.rpl (24.7 KB, 4 views)
gg bra.rpl (29.9 KB, 3 views)
IN HALF!!.rpl (27.4 KB, 3 views)
Last edited by victor3680; Jun 25, 2014 at 10:50 PM. Reason: forgot to put some thing in again
Name PhreakFreakk
Belt blue
Skype I don have Skype
Forum activity 5
In game activity 4
Why you want join in (pause)
Because I want to be tori player pro then my cousin and want to play clean war
Tell some things about yourself
I live in Malaysia Sarawak I like playing wushu,jousting,earthtk,judo,akido
Pls I want to join clan (pause)
Pause APP
Name: Killer4eva
Belt: Brown - Almost Black (Very Good Fighting Skills)
Age: 15
Skype: drsasa7741
Forum Activity, Qualify Yourself 1-10: 5-6
In-Game Activity,Qualify Yourself 1-10: 10
Why You Want To Join In (Pause)?: Clan members are nice And the clan is a beast.
Tell something about yourself: I never give up.

Post 5 of Your Best Replays: Dont know how. If neceseraly needed i would be very glad to contact you and try sending them.

Thanks for reading.
Good Day.
Name: Lychaz
Belt: Orange Belt
Age: 13
Skype: none
Forum Activity: 3
In-Game Activity: 9
Why do I want to join (Pause)?: It looks so cool!
Tell me something about yourself: I live in South Africa
Name: pet45
Belt: 2th dan
Age: 14
Skype (optional): peterorlow38
Forum Activity, Qualify Yourself 1-10: 7
In-Game Activity, Qualify Yourself 1-10: 9
Why do you want to join (pause)?: Sparingovatsya uncompensated and if I find something bad sparring partner
Tell something about yourself: I play well in Toribash love sparingovatsya
Post 5 of your Bets replays: