@SeanSean and maruto600: We have awaited for you to edit your applications; you have failed to do so. Therefore, you have been denied.

@Karstnator: We'll have a clan war towards the end of the week...if not, then on the weekend.
@kevin909: I've been looking at your set for a few minutes now(ken does that, sometimes), and it is coming along well. I like your new force+relax set + new textures but they are so bright (if you wanted to blind your opponent, then good job). But I don't like how you have a ninja head with a tribal body...

Anyway, I made a madman just for lulz.
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Last edited by visceral; Mar 26, 2014 at 02:12 PM.
Nice replay ken, I really like that opener. But that dance
Pineapples are actually a high source of grains and potassium.
name: Progamer73
in game activety on a scale of 1-10: 8
forum activity on a scale of 1-10: 5
preivous clans:none
do you know anyone in the clan: no
why do you want to join cosmos: i would really like to play with online ppl witch makes the game more open for me and other ppl
what abiltes do u posses: decaps and some parkour
3-5 examples: i dont know how to put replys in my application