Age: 17 years

Country: Austria

Time Zone: GMT+2

Why do you want to join Rome Kingdom? Till now I've only heard good stuff about this clan, also it's a pretty good and well known clan.

What mod are you best at? Judo (I dont really play any other mods :3)

Give us detail describing yourself: I play toribash all the time, my name is Fabian, i'm medium height, i like to play football (soccer) and hockey

Can you do art? Not at all :3

Are you forum active? Nope

IF yes to above, post 1 artwork from you: ...

Do you have skype: No

Past bans/alts: I have never been banned, and i have far too many alts...
For example: Muffinz29(also 31,49,42), Shadowz29(+49,42), FaBi7575, NotFabi, SneakyFabi, some other fabis x3, Cupcake3 and many more (cant remember them all D

Past clans: I've been in memorize, but i left because i was the only active member left
Oh And also i said that which belt i am because i wanted you to know that i am not lower than brown belt.

Belt: Well I am brown but i am almost becoming black

Age: 12

Country: Turkey

Time Zone:GMT+2

Why do you want to join Rome Kingdom?: Because i know someone in this clan and as well i want to help the clan grow and take over the bigger clans.

Which mod/s are you best at: Aikido, Abd, Judo, Lenshu, Wushu.

Give us detail describing yourself: gamer, insane, likes to hate people.

Can you do art?: nah

Are you forum active?: well nah and i dont know why i need to be

IF yes to above, post 1 artwork from you:

Do you have skype: yea, my skype is patris kambin

Past bans/alts: Nah, NONE

Past clans: Godteam clan but i did not know that they were fucked up so after i realized this then i quit the clan.
Oh yes and also i think i would be forum active
oh actually yea
Last edited by Klivian89; Apr 26, 2014 at 08:24 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Age: 13

Country: Thailnad

Time Zone: Bangkok

Why do you want to join Rome Kingdom? Because I feel that this clan had potential and modivation to become the best clan and I am willing to serve all of my days to you until we become the best kingdom.

What mod are you best at? Aikido and Judo. Also Wushu_Pro, and Judo frac

Give us detail describing yourself: I am Canadian and I have a lot of fun in toribash aswell and I take it seriously. I am fair and I don't rage quit. I am proud to represent a name and I am happy to help my fellow clan mates rise a belt and teach them some moves and they can teach me some moves. i am also very forum active and I am always buying things and selling things and I check for updates and things like that. I can't wait for the tori helmet to come out! I also never run from a battle

Do you have skype: Yes! (z.philip.b1)

Past bans/alts: None

Past clans: I was in TheGod but I did not know that they sucked and they really annoyed me so I quit. and almost Trick but I gave up on them. And also Phoenix i was in for a bit. But they were not that good either. So I decided to go for a clan that actually can win!
We are best friends and then we moved to other countries and now we are split up
oh and as well he is forum active and he cant do artwork.
oh yes the time zone is GMT+ 7
his timezone
Last edited by Klivian89; Apr 28, 2014 at 04:09 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Meh, wouldn't hurt to try.
Put on trial for now. Hopefully oyu guys are forum active a little, we already got skilled fighters, now we just need some forum/ingame activity going on
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