joint are 512 too?
Elle couuurt, Elle coooourt! LA MAAAAaaaAaladiiiie d'amOOoour! Dans le c... (cœur) des enfaaants! De 16 à 77 ans!
Until proof of this "500k offer" is presented, I offer 100k.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Full 512x textures themselves are about 300k if you go buy them. check it out.

although nice ridicolous offers.
In order to be considered legitimate, offers should be posted by the bidder on the sale thread to avoid any shady dealings.
Originally Posted by VICTOR View Post
Full 512x textures themselves are about 300k if you go buy them. check it out.

So you are including the items themselves along with the art?
Scratch that, he doesn't have any items.
Last edited by hawkesnightmare; Apr 23, 2014 at 01:37 AM.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
I think he is trying to say that if the items costed a lot then the art must cost way more.
Which isn't really true.
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
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