Original Post
[rb] Incredibox 2!
Heya boys and boys pretending to be girls!
This event a new variation of Incredibox Express Event that we hosted almost a year ago.
Tarlan wanted just to quote the whole post from that event (damnlazysmod) but I retyped everything!



All you have to do is to go to this awesome new Incredibox v3.
Next, you create your track, click "share" when you're ready, name your work and paste the link in this thread.
That's all you need!

By the way, you'll also face Russians from this thread

Judging and prizes:

Your works will be judged by Tarlan and me.
(We've got musical education so you can be sure we're qualified enough to judge your tracks)

Best track(s) will be given TC prizes.
Some good TC prizes, yeah.
If you don't like TC, feel free to negotiate after you win.

We'll stop accepting your works on April 15th at 23.59 (GMT +4)

Make music, not war!

Last edited by sir; Apr 8, 2014 at 11:41 PM.
I think the deadline had already gone. When are you going to give prizes? Sorry if I sound like i'm rushing you off, but i'm really excited :3
Originally Posted by JuicyTin View Post
I think the deadline had already gone. When are you going to give prizes? Sorry if I sound like i'm rushing you off, but i'm really excited :3

Results will be most probably announced tomorrow once we finish reviewing all works.

Prizes are going to Lim (link to his track) and Hug (link to his track). They both get 15k TC which they'll be able to spend on some dozens of full sets of Gladiator or Chronos.

One more prize for insane attempts of creating a unique composition using boring samples goes to Ezalor (link to his track). He is also getting a TC prize which is two times lower than Hug and Lim got. However, he will still be able to afford himself a full Marine!

Congratulations to winners!