the lack of joint colours got to me, you could have gone through the effort to get your clan members item.dat info, or atleast have played with them...
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Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
the lack of joint colours got to me, you could have gone through the effort to get your clan members item.dat info, or atleast have played with them...

I did, My TB won't show ANY joint colors but vamp, nox, and QS. (Mabye Toxic, but idk)
Last edited by ZaneNutio; Aug 13, 2008 at 10:13 PM.
Replays: 8/10.
Sound: Disturbed are great... but idk if it fitted in with the video. 5/10.
Editing: Nice 8/10.
Filming: Saw the cursor in places (could of edited out) Also too much camera movement. 5/10.

Average: 6.5/10
Originally Posted by Blam View Post
Filming: Saw the cursor in places (could of edited out)

Il see If i can get my screen recorder to not record that >.> I think it resets itself.

Originally Posted by Blam View Post
Also too much camera movement. 5/10.

Some say too basic some say too extravigent :P

well thanks though, il work on it.
Just leave the cursor out of the TB window and you'll be fine, or right click in it for smoother movement. 6.9/10 + what blam said
<Alan> lol, rutz, it might be cool to smell your ass all the time you touch the mic

Whoever did the running running replay at about 2:07 copied off of a running replay I did back in 3.2.
Had to post the thread itself, because I used the original one for hacking. The date of original posting should put it around 3.2 if I am not mistaken.
Edit: http://forum.toribash.com/showthread.php?t=44273
That is a thread he posted a week ago, with the replay. He doesn't say he did it a long time ago, nore does he change anything at all execept for the pose.
Last edited by ReaperZRyan; Aug 14, 2008 at 03:40 AM.
Evil, personified in a chocolate bar.
reaper, you arent the only person to have come up with a running replay... relax...
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