
study shadows... there are plenty of vids on youtube... it helps to understand them
most people think the further you get from the light on the object, the darker it gets, but that's not true
Tor1g0d embodied as a noob. Hey, atleast i'm back and nice!
If u need to do shading try a diffrent pencil (or Just use the same just push harder)
pm me your questions or applications

dance with my dogs in the night time
cash to burn
First time doing digital artwork, yes, its on sketchtoy I know its not that sophisticated ;p.
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here
Really cool drawings, i'd like to see more of them.
Your drawings are really detailed and the character you drew was that the same Character as your toribash icon?
They Look really cool.
yes, it is, thank you

I'm not too great at acrylics
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here
I would be very interested in seeing a full watercolor done by you. I think your style with acrylics would look incredible if done in watercolors. Love the great work, keep at it
Hey, I used to be pretty good with watercolour, thanks for the reminder I may pick some watercolours up soon and give it a go again.

in other news;

making some simple ipod case covers for myself

Last edited by Skylar; Nov 26, 2014 at 10:27 PM.
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here