Originally Posted by Possesed View Post
Ok first of all let me tell you that you rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love the lines and the firmness of your strokes.

So why dont you try making a 512 tb head drawn in pencil?
Should be interesting

Thank you bud . I would love to. Any software suggestions?
Also im wrapping up a painting and another sketch (its a wip, but ill pit it out anyways).
Last edited by Nate; Sep 19, 2014 at 05:18 AM.
I would love to try a portrait of a dog. However, I'm not the best when it comes to fur/hair.
About the dog picture, everything looks okay except for the nails of the dog looks a little rushed, and the ground looks a little bit uneven.

When you're trying to do lines to create a more perfect box/square you can use focal points either on the paper, or off of it and use a ruler to make sure the line is straight.

If you do it, you can get the proportion nearly dead on accurate when it comes to 3D-ish look.

EDIT: It actually looks like you tried a two focal point method for it, but idk it seems like maybe it's a bit off still. :s
Last edited by DruggedPanda; Sep 19, 2014 at 06:54 AM.
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Need help with any market related questions? Feel free to PM ME. <Powas> I've got a degree in 1001 techniques of masturbation
@DruggedPanda: I did that picture when i was 13, so proportions and alignments weren't perfect. But thanks for the cnc, Its always appreciated here!

Holy shit, im finally back. I got my cast off and can draw again!

Here's and elephant that i suggested to DruggedPanda. But i wanted to do it, it looked fun. Enjoy.

By the way, it may not look 100%. I am still going to physical therapy to help out my wrist. More Drawings/paintings should be coming soon.
Attached Images
2014-09-25 21.44.54.jpg (86.1 KB, 34 views)
Nice work oNate.

Very much like your art, keep doing what you do.

Looking forward to how you mature as an artist if you continue to be one.
A wip on PhotoShop.

This is a drawing/ painting of a fox (im just starting to add the hair on the right side btw ;P). Im new to photoshop also, so if you have any suggestions, feel free to tell me .

Thank you, and also i will keep updating with more wips until the completion

Here it is

Last edited by Nate; Oct 26, 2014 at 04:57 AM.
Originally Posted by darknis View Post
Holy shat dude Amazing! When/How Did you become so good?

Thanks darknis I just got photo shop recently (about half a month) but I've been drawing/ painting on paper for around a year and a half.
if you're new to photoshop, treat it like paper, but take more liberties with experimenting.
its photoshop, you dont have to get it right first time.
spam layers, dont be afraid to get messy, mess with opacities, draw a shit tonne.
draw the big picture in first and refine, rather than start on the small details and build up.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
if you're new to photoshop, treat it like paper, but take more liberties with experimenting.
its photoshop, you dont have to get it right first time.
spam layers, dont be afraid to get messy, mess with opacities, draw a shit tonne.
draw the big picture in first and refine, rather than start on the small details and build up.

Thanks for the help BenDover! I do have have the rest of the line work on a different layer, but I hid it. I took the picture late at night and forgot to un hide the layer, but I was too tired to get back on photo shop lol.