Originally Posted by ethodoes View Post
i would like to join because this clan looks cool

nope didn't fill out the whole app
Manipulating the pieces according to your strategy... That is what defines a King.
Ok you guys I dont know what your time zone is but I will probably be on tomorrow 4:00-6:00pm GMT+10 or AEST (Australian Eastern Standard time)
If thats cool
Plz let me know if that is possible
Originally Posted by PandaKing2 View Post
nope didn't fill out the whole app

Really? Cuz I thought that was an amazing application
Last edited by LeMuffine; Oct 28, 2014 at 10:33 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by LeMuffine View Post
Ok you guys I dont know what your time zone is but I will probably be on tomorrow 4:00-6:00pm GMT+10 or AEST (Australian Eastern Standard time)
If thats cool
Plz let me know if that is possible

Really? Cuz I thought that was an amazing application

oh not you sorry i was talking to the other guy
oh and i am pacific time zone
Last edited by PandaKing2; Oct 29, 2014 at 04:32 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Manipulating the pieces according to your strategy... That is what defines a King.
Real Name:Jundi
GMT:+7 (not so sure lol?
about yourself:I'm a metal head myself and i have a band called southern rules
Best (Most liked) Mods:Judo, and ABD
Forum activity(/10)6/10
ingame activity(/10):9/10
People you know in the clan:none
Previous Clans (Why left?):Sora, not active
Previous Bans (Why?):none
Previous infraction:none
Why you want to join this clan: Coz death is a legit clan for me, and i want to improve my skill and take the chance to build this clan sronger
Can do anything for the clan: Maybe some art
Attached Files
judo1.rpl (38.6 KB, 3 views)
judo4.rpl (50.0 KB, 2 views)
judo5.rpl (19.2 KB, 2 views)
You only live once.
Application to Deathcore Metal.
Real Name: Blake Broussard
Age: 15
Nationality: American
about yourself: I play the electric guitar (unfortunately I can't play anything super complicated yet) and I like anything in the heavy rock spectrum from Three Days Grace to Attila.
QI: 702
Best (Most liked) Mods: Lenshu, Judofrac, Mushu, Judo, Twinswords
Forum activity(/10): 1/10
ingame activity(/10): 8/10
People you know in the clan: No one
Previous Clans (Why left?): None
Previous Bans (Why?): None
Previous infraction: None
Alts: deadman381, deadman383
Why you want to join this clan: It seems pretty cool and it seems like it welcomes members with lower than black belts.
Can do anything for the clan
(Videos, Art, etc...): I can create custom Kiai and I can teach some clan members a good kick I've been working on for a while.
3replays: I can't find the files for the replays... would a live demonstration be acceptable?
Real Name:Noah Burns
GMT: Uhh...
about yourself:Play Basketball and Football, active team player
QI:126 at the moment
Best (Most liked) Mods: Greykido, Judo, and Boxshu
Forum activity(/10):3-4/10
ingame activity(/10):6-7/10
People you know in the clan: xvintorx
Previous Clans (Why left?):nope
Previous Bans (Why?):nope
Previous infraction:I'm a good kid
Alts:This is my Main, no alts (that i use)
Why you want to join this clan:It seems like a good fit, and I've seen clan members play
Can do anything for the clan: Use to photoshop but not anymore but still could
3replays:Tell me how to upload them and I will
Name: Joshua
Age: 12
Nationality: American
GMT: +7
About Myself: Well uhmmm i like to play games and play Soccer, and I am a good artist.
QI: 785
Best mods: Aikido, Parkour and Sparring mods, Mushu, Erthtk, Katana, Box_Mushu and Judo
Forum Activity: 6/10
Game activity: 10/10
People I know in this Clan: Hrghorhg, one of my Steam friends
Previous Clans: YesWeCannabis; for not being active enough. FOXY; About 3 pple in the clan
Previous bans: None
Infractions: none again
Alts: StarSoul
Reasons to join clan: No particular reason just wanted to get a clan.
Things i can do for the clan: I could make textures but you would have to send me ur textures for me to do it
Originally Posted by TF2OPGAMER View Post
Name: Joshua
Age: 12
Nationality: American
GMT: +7
About Myself: Well uhmmm i like to play games and play Soccer, and I am a good artist.
QI: 785
Best mods: Aikido, Parkour and Sparring mods, Mushu, Erthtk, Katana, Box_Mushu and Judo
Forum Activity: 6/10
Game activity: 10/10
People I know in this Clan: Hrghorhg, one of my Steam friends
Previous Clans: YesWeCannabis; for not being active enough. FOXY; About 3 pple in the clan
Previous bans: None
Infractions: none again
Alts: StarSoul
Reasons to join clan: No particular reason just wanted to get a clan.
Things i can do for the clan: I could make textures but you would have to send me ur textures for me to do it

Ehhhh For pple I know in this clan Actually 2 pple hrghorhg and Dayshwan
Attached Files
cool tricking w hrgh.rpl (244.3 KB, 4 views)
Tricking.rpl (76.5 KB, 3 views)
cool.rpl (243.7 KB, 3 views)
Last edited by TF2OPGAMER; Jul 27, 2015 at 08:00 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
hello Deathcore!
Name: Michael (don't call me mike)
Nationality: U.S.A
about me: I am a youtuber starting out and so yeah(this is not a shoutout for myself)
QI: its over 9000!!!(10139)
best mods: 360chestlongswords
forum:2/10(I can be more active if you want)
I'm a stranger to you all
Previous clans: N/A (and that's why I want in!)
Previous bans: N/A
Previous infraction?
What I bring to the table: if you ever need new recruits I can get the word out!
how do I upload replays?
Real Name: Odin
Age: 16
Nationality: Norwegian
GMT: ? im sorry but i don`t know what this is
about yourself: im a boy in norway that have gone thrugh hell to find my self only in deep water. but there i fund toribash i played it for a wile and diceded to find a clan ive been looking at clans but they dont fit me like you do
QI: again WTF i this
Best (Most liked) Mods: EVERYONE (the fightings ones most) (i can play fun onec with friend to have fun)
Forum activity(/10): 8
ingame activity(/10): 8
People you know in the clan: none im sorry
Previous Clans (Why left?): none
Previous Bans (Why?): none
Previous infraction: ? again wtf
Alts: WTF
Why you want to join this clan: same as "about yourself part"
Can do anything for the clan off course i can
(Videos, Art, etc...):
3replays: look at the files srry i put 5 i didnt see that is said 3
Attached Files
me youst trying .rpl (49.6 KB, 4 views)
New Move Kator99.rpl (38.7 KB, 3 views)
try to do this jump kick.rpl (8.3 KB, 4 views)
adwansted kick.rpl (27.3 KB, 4 views)
Last edited by Kator99; Aug 7, 2015 at 04:08 PM.