Originally Posted by BuZe View Post
What do you mean by "choppy"?

What we mean by "choppy" is that the video kind of looks like a 360p quality video.
The Smoke Will Never Clear
#LLPS 💙💫
Originally Posted by BuZe View Post
Thanks guys, it didnt look so bright while I was making it (rip).

What do you mean by "choppy"?

choppy as in we can tell you dont get 30-60fps at a constant rate.
fix that.

cc is bad.

I can teach you cc , add me on skype Khalifornia.

oh, and adding rsmb and flashes doesn't make an edit.
damn im gettin old
that was a fucking genius transition, nice :-D
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

My cc was suppose to look like this
but I'm pretty sure I know to make cc, besides I wouldn't call this good cc.

Thank you Tyzi <3.
Originally Posted by BuZe View Post
My cc was suppose to look like this
but I'm pretty sure I know to make cc, besides I wouldn't call this good cc.

Thank you Tyzi <3.

because u chose my worse cc <3

your cc isn't all that either bud
damn im gettin old
Originally Posted by Velair View Post
because u chose my worse cc <3

your cc isn't all that either bud

If you're going to come in here to try and make an argument please leave. Thanks.

Originally Posted by TORIITO View Post
That video has out of sync buze... Fix plox..

kk, I will, thanks.