Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by kradoxtb View Post
Cash grab? you are comparing Call Of Duty a game that just by itself costs around 40$-50$ wich dont include dlc, to a game that costs 10$-20$ with no dlcs and telling me that the game is a cash grab when the fnaf 4 is the last game of the series, well there is something ilogical there.
Also i dont know why you are shocked for the teaser,so many companies do this type of things, not only gaming but for films or shows also it did not say it was the date for the teaser and if it is the date for it, the game normally goes on steam a few days later.
And yes some parts of the story was inspired by the comunity but not that much, Scott always gave hints for the story in all games for we to discover, also if the game was a cash grab he could just create even more controversy that would made Fnaf 4 just another game and not the final one, he could simply extend the series and grab even more money like COD does.

I'd like to butt my opinion in here.

Triple A games like CoD cost millions of dollars, thousands of man hours, hundreds of workers, and take many years to make. FNAF 1 & 2 took a minimal (in comparison) investment, a couple months, one dude and maybe a couple hundred hours of work(Probably stretching it).

That's not to say great games can't be made with a small development team and a minimal investment. Hell, look at anything Edmund McMillen has made. However, comparing costs between the two is just unreasonable, as triple A games take so much more resources than indie games do, and that is why their prices are much higher.

You can make a cash grab argument with DLCs, sure, but as far as initial cost goes it's just unreasonable to expect games at the price of FNAF with the cost of resources that games like CoD have.

don't hate me
Originally Posted by Valterain1 View Post
He gave hints for unfinished story to elaborate on. Also. Something doesn't have to be as large scale as something else to be considered that thing. Quit defending your furry generator.

But notice that if he wanted to create a cash grab we could simply extend the story and create more games but he changed to end the series :P
Also i dont know where you take the idea that FNAF was a furry generator, i only liked the game becuse i love to work my brain in creating teories, its healthy to exercise the brain.

Originally Posted by NotShadow View Post
I'd like to butt my opinion in here.

Triple A games like CoD cost millions of dollars, thousands of man hours, hundreds of workers, and take many years to make. FNAF 1 & 2 took a minimal (in comparison) investment, a couple months, one dude and maybe a couple hundred hours of work(Probably stretching it).

That's not to say great games can't be made with a small development team and a minimal investment. Hell, look at anything Edmund McMillen has made. However, comparing costs between the two is just unreasonable, as triple A games take so much more resources than indie games do, and that is why their prices are much higher.

You can make a cash grab argument with DLCs, sure, but as far as initial cost goes it's just unreasonable to expect games at the price of FNAF with the cost of resources that games like CoD have.

don't hate me

I dont hate, and yes i understand that statement but COD was constantly trying to match battlefield and other FPS games but he never evolved his engine until some "CODS" ago :P
Originally Posted by kradoxtb View Post
But notice that if he wanted to create a cash grab we could simply extend the story and create more games but he changed to end the series :P
Also i dont know where you take the idea that FNAF was a furry generator, i only liked the game becuse i love to work my brain in creating teories, its healthy to exercise the brain.

I dont hate, and yes i understand that statement but COD was constantly trying to match battlefield and other FPS games but he never evolved his engine until some "CODS" ago :P

Developing theories does not make you special. And yet. He knows that if he were to create more than the 4 that are given, people would lose interest and move on to something else. Not yielding nearly as much profit for his (low) amount of work.
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.
Seeing how fnaf 1,2 we're big hits scott i think will try to make it equal. When the 3rd one came out he changed alot of shit, So i think that it will be alot like fnaf3 in a way. So i say No. Cause fnaf3 is fucking horrible
pm me your questions or applications


dance with my dogs in the night time
cash to burn
Originally Posted by kradoxtb View Post
But notice that if he wanted to create a cash grab we could simply extend the story and create more games but he changed to end the series :P
Also i dont know where you take the idea that FNAF was a furry generator, i only liked the game becuse i love to work my brain in creating teories, its healthy to exercise the brain.

I dont hate, and yes i understand that statement but COD was constantly trying to match battlefield and other FPS games but he never evolved his engine until some "CODS" ago :P

Just because a cash grab doesn't occur over several titles doesn't mean that it's not a cash grab. FNAF was initially pretty innovative for minimalist gameplay that was still engaging and created a good atmosphere for it's lack of resources. The second one was basically a sure, fine, successful first game, make a sequel. Third was pushing it, there's only so much "story" that you can create from something that was based on a simple, suspended disbelief premise to begin with. Fourth is definitely beyond the line of cash grab. Anybody worth their salt could have ended the story in 2 games, 1 if they really put their effort in to it.

It's a furry generator. There's a LOT of furry porn out there using the default animatronics and gender bendered versions of them.

And COD updated it's engine every game. No game developer remakes an entire engine if it still can meet their needs. Battlefield uses the Frostbite engine every game, COD (last I played it) uses a modified Quake engine every game, and the engine is different between Treyarch and IW.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
OMFG this is getting out of hand! Closeee! Evil!!
And it isn't worth the wait, ever since iplayed Fnaf I didn't really like it.
the more sequels the dude makes the better for him though since most fans are 10-12 year olds who think that the more complicated a plot is the better it is, when scott is in fact just trying to somehow stitch his cash grabs chronologically together desperately, which ends up in overly convoluted stories abused by markipliers on youtube
Last edited by pusga; May 3, 2015 at 07:49 PM.
oh yeah
^^^^^ and I noticed,

A story was made for fnaf1 but fnaf2 came in and buttfucked that theory

I seriously don't get fnaf

How come time animatronics are alive?
Cum probably got into thesockets
What is their purpose?
They wanna tie you up and buttfuck you
Golden Freddy?
Bah goddamnit