Originally Posted by Cwis View Post

Cough*Googled*Cough Cough you serious bro the problem isn't that they changed gender the problem is other people picking on them for switching gender making them h8 them selfs people need to be more understanding you may say people today are more understanding but that doesn't mean people are all nice people

It is not okay to accept a mental disorder. There is no way to be understanding about it, because you should not be understanding about it. If you claim that you were born in the wrong body, then you obviously aren't in the best of mental states. Now. People may argue that "So you're saying we shouldn't accept people with Down Syndrome?" But that's not at all what Myself and others who make the argument are saying. Gender Dysphoria is something that can be treated, but society is trying to make people accept this mental illness. And that is not okay.
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.
Honestly I don't think transgenders should'nt be praised or hated they do what they want and they suffer or become happy it's all up to the person changing genders.

Lets be honest the only people who suffer or become happy is the person who had the sex change and (close family members and friends)
Last edited by Aerotack; Jun 3, 2015 at 03:57 AM.
ok not even a mental i'll ness down syndrome is that's the difrence you can't really compair the 2 being transgender has no effect on learning it's just something ppl enjoy
If you're reading this its to late
Originally Posted by Cwis View Post
ok not even a mental i'll ness down syndrome is that's the difrence you can't really compair the 2 being transgender has no effect on learning it's just something ppl enjoy

You're now claiming that people enjoy being transgender? People claim that they were the opposite gender from birth. Simply put, they are confused. They do not want to cope with the fact that they did not get what they wanted from birth.
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.
Originally Posted by Valterain1 View Post
You're now claiming that people enjoy being transgender? People claim that they were the opposite gender from birth. Simply put, they are confused. They do not want to cope with the fact that they did not get what they wanted from birth.

Again, there's a difference between a biological fuck up and a mental disorder.

do you know what you're talking about or do you just think people wake up and decide they're going to be transgender, or decide to be gay?

It's a biological screw up, just like being gay. It's not a mental disorder.
Originally Posted by Valterain1 View Post
You're now claiming that people enjoy being transgender? People claim that they were the opposite gender from birth. Simply put, they are confused. They do not want to cope with the fact that they did not get what they wanted from birth.

well they obviously didn't enjoy being the other gender
If you're reading this its to late
Originally Posted by raaage View Post
Recently I've noticed how loads of people on facebook and probably other forms of social media are pretty much raging about how gender change operations are ok and stuff, but I honestly just think it's fuckin weird to cut your dick off cuz you're a little bitch on the inside, like ok, you can be gay or whatever, but ffs really this is becoming a plague.

Wow, you should take your head out of your ass. If I feel like I am something different inside, should I not be able to show it on the outside? This isn't a trend, it's just now that the world is beginning to realize we are able to be ourselves, without risk of being jailed, ridiculed (still happens) or killed. A once voice of minority, is now becoming a majority. And soon people who criticize it will be shunned, as we are starting to see.
Originally Posted by Kyure View Post
Wow, you should take your head out of your ass. If I feel like I am something different inside, should I not be able to show it on the outside? This isn't a trend, it's just now that the world is beginning to realize we are able to be ourselves, without risk of being jailed, ridiculed (still happens) or killed. A once voice of minority, is now becoming a majority. And soon people who criticize it will be shunned, as we are starting to see.

10/10 totaly agree but somepeople like to say its a mentel illness cause they don't trully understand it
If you're reading this its to late
Originally Posted by -Cyri- View Post
First off I'd like to point out that it's not a trend, as time progresses society becomes more open to things and people begin to become okay with being who they are, saying it's a 'trend' sounds like you're really uneducated and shouldn't be posting here for an actual discussion.

Second, I am personally transgender (inb4 hate bandwagon) and it's not something someone does for fun or for a 'trend'. It's a serious thing that makes people hate who they are, it makes them severely depressed.

Imagine going to bed as you are now, waking up and being in the opposite genders body. Seriously, take a minute and think about having to live your life when you know you're X gender, but your physical body is the opposite gender.

It's a struggle to see the things you like, want to do, how you want to act, but can't because they're afraid of what people will think of them, and worst case scenario, possibly even hurt them physically because of it.

It's just as much of a biological mix up as being gay is. It's a thing now because we're not from the 1950's. Our society (for the most part, even though it's debatable) are accepting to everyone, so people feel they can be honest about who they actually are. Nothing changed, but people feel that people are accepting enough to actually come out and be open about who they are.

A trend? Who decides one day that they're going to be depressed and hate themselves for the majority of their life for fun? Seriously? Don't start a topic, or respond to a topic if you have that mentality. It's pathetic and you need to stay out of the discussion.

(Sorry if my statement is a bit jumbled, I'm not great at explaining things)

Okay so first off, let me clarify. I wasn't calling trans-people a trend, I was calling the outpouring "support" from people who really don't give a shit a trend. I don't want to go into it much, but it does a lot more harm than good to transgenders.

There are plenty of other, similar conditions to it. It's a mental disorder as far as everything is concerned. The widely accepted cause of gender dysphoria is hormone imbalances in development. You don't seem to understand that many mental illnesses are just manifestations of other similar deficiencies.

The most similar comparison I can make to get you to understand it is anorexia. Anorexic people look into the mirror and they absolutely hate it. They think they are too fat, regardless of objective reality. The solution to this problem isn't to let them get liposuction or whatever would please them, the solution is to treat them instead of accommodating them.

When treating a patient, sometimes it's acceptable to treat the symptoms, but treating the symptoms will not result in recovery and a return to normality for many illnesses. Allowing a trans-person to take hormones/hormone-blockers and treating the symptoms(lack of female breasts/a vagina/prosthetic penis) instead of treating the condition causing those feelings is not acceptable. When someone is depressed, they are prescribed SSIs/antidepressants, and more treatment is given if the person's illness comes from a chemical imbalance as opposed to an alternate reason.

You're taking the social aspect of the results of gender dysphoria into account more than mental health and stability. Any mental disorder will eat you alive unless properly treated. A 70 lb anorexic girl is not the person she thinks she is, and treatment can fix that. Treatment is required, not accommodation. If you are not in a "normal" state(read as: anorexic, depressed, anxiety disorders, whatever), you need treatment to get to a normal state.

Also, another large issue with accommodating gender dysphoria instead of treating it is medical issues. There are a lot of biologically specific illnesses that different sexes can get. If your general practitioner is not aware that you are biologically a different gender, they cannot conduct the proper examinations to ensure your health.

tl;dr it's more of an illness than a "biological fuckup" as you put it.