Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Rune View Post
So yeah, like Obazu said. Proportions.
Other than that it looks great man.

Thanks Rune

Originally Posted by UnknownPvP View Post
This mod is bloody amazing im working on parkour atm might take a few more days but ill do the best i can

Thanks unknown mate, Drop in blusteel if you see me hosting I got a few new mini maps out for training purposes that might help you out .
Visual part:
Agreed with Hypersant and Obazu, it looks decent and the house is good
I don't agree with your choice of colors though. The house and fence (90% of the mod) are grey/slightly yellow, the type of color you would see on a construction site, not in a fancy neighborhood. It wouldn't be a problem if there was a base object in a vibrant grassy color to counter the boring look but there isn't. As stated below this is part of the problem of you not handling the the object limit(I haven't checked if you reached it in this mod but I assume you did and that's good) very well. One single object could change the look and feel of the mod. Instead you put your spare stuff on that ladder and the extremely elaborate windows. You easily could have fitted another house in the mod which would have been a lot better since it seems to be too short to parkour on.
Like I think I mentioned in that PM from some time ago, color variation(slightly altering the rgb values for each object) can really spice up a mod. Especially geometrical ones like this.

Gameplay part:
I haven't tried it myself but it looks very empty for a parkour mod. It seems you spend far too many objects on small and fairly irrelevant stuff such as windows and the ladder which really bugs me because of its placement and the fact that no one will ever attempt to use it because there's nothing on the roof. Another mistake new modmakers make really often is make the env objects oversized. Just from looking at the screenshots I can tell that almost everything is at least 50% larger than it would be IRL. This also contributes to the mod looking empty and being boring to play.
Last edited by jisse; Jun 26, 2015 at 07:42 PM.
Wow blun is amazing 10/10 MOTY (Mod of the year xD)
Largo y escabroso es el camino que del infierno conduce a la luz
Well here ya go tell me which one you like better so i can continue off of it.
Attached Files
BluGarageWip.rpl (688.0 KB, 4 views)
BluGarageWip 1.rpl (671.9 KB, 4 views)
BluGarageWip 4.rpl (588.8 KB, 4 views)
[LoP] [TF] [HaZZarD]
Originally Posted by jisse View Post
Visual part:
Agreed with Hypersant and Obazu, it looks decent and the house is good
I don't agree with your choice of colors though. The house and fence (90% of the mod) are grey/slightly yellow, the type of color you would see on a construction site, not in a fancy neighborhood. It wouldn't be a problem if there was a base object in a vibrant grassy color to counter the boring look but there isn't. As stated below this is part of the problem of you not handling the the object limit(I haven't checked if you reached it in this mod but I assume you did and that's good) very well. One single object could change the look and feel of the mod. Instead you put your spare stuff on that ladder and the extremely elaborate windows. You easily could have fitted another house in the mod which would have been a lot better since it seems to be too short to parkour on.
Like I think I mentioned in that PM from some time ago, color variation(slightly altering the rgb values for each object) can really spice up a mod. Especially geometrical ones like this.

Gameplay part:
I haven't tried it myself but it looks very empty for a parkour mod. It seems you spend far too many objects on small and fairly irrelevant stuff such as windows and the ladder which really bugs me because of its placement and the fact that no one will ever attempt to use it because there's nothing on the roof. Another mistake new modmakers make really often is make the env objects oversized. Just from looking at the screenshots I can tell that almost everything is at least 50% larger than it would be IRL. This also contributes to the mod looking empty and being boring to play.

Again, agreed with the scale, but for what its worth I won't be fixxing this, I could probably rebuild it from scratch quicker than scaling and moving everything.

Lesson learnt from starting to build from object 17 and adding the moving 16 afterwards, It bugs out causing graphical glitches and acting as a moving object even though static is ticked.

I am unsure Of why your commenting on the gameplay as there are 3 different run versions and 2 spar adaptations. The garage opens up and you can run in there and jump through my "elaborate window" I just call it a window.
Again You are litteraly the only person I meet who moans about colour constantly, and this time I used the colour swatches from the website "YOU" pointed me to :P
(there really is no pleasing this dude with colour ...and he has green hair ffs)

Originally Posted by Allom1231 View Post
Wow blun is amazing 10/10 MOTY (Mod of the year xD)

Thanks man, this is probably my worst mod to date though, It has a few graphical problems and multiple scale issues, I did make it very quickly though (1 day) Inbetween work irl and used a few new methods (to me) in its making.

Originally Posted by UnknownPvP View Post
Well here ya go tell me which one you like better so i can continue off of it.

I like them all man, I can't run more than 2 steps on an object base, so I am always in awe of these replays.
Lets get real here, how about you stop being a salty cunt every time I point out your mistakes and suggest changes. I and everyone else who actually spends time writing out proper feedback expect changes and improvement.

We aren't here because we're assholes looking to put you in place, we're trying to help out and make you and the modding community improve. And no we aren't dicks because we don't think everything is 10/10.

Look through the mod threads from the last two or three years. Almost every mod gets a "10/10 best ever" rating by one or more people (looking at you Xioi). This is dumb and downright harmful to modmakers(and any content creator for that matter). Pride is bad and prevents improvement so stop being satisfied and always strive to become better.

With this in mind re-read my first post and then read this:

The window and the ladder together take up 28 objects. That's like a fifth of the object limit for just two items. It wouldn't really be a big issue if; 1. you had nowhere else to put those objects and 2. they actually affected how the mod plays out.
However, you did have places where those spare objects could have made a HUGE difference. The mod is obviously very empty, even you cannot deny that.
To put things into perspective, back in the day 16 was the object limit. 16. Your ladder and window basically could have been TWO whole mods. That's a problem, but again it wouldn't be if the ladder and window were important to the mod. It's just such a waste and it infuriates me

The color ordeal


Which version of skyrim would you rather play? 90% of people will say the second.
Nobody wants to spend time in a dark and gloomy enviorment, this also applies to Toribash and real life. That's why using contrast and interesting colors is improtant, nobody wants to play in a grey and sad world, unless that's the theme of the mod of course, ex a graveyard or a construction site.
I'm just assuming you weren't going for the graveyard look and feel in a sub-urban house mod.

The website I linked you was purely to showcase which colors work well together, seeing as you thought screechy yellow and bright green matched well. Diffrent shades of grey don't exactly clash but they sure are no fun at all when combined with eachother.

You know all this (hopefully), stop making excuses for being lazy.

Good home examples

Note how the grass and lush lights up the pics, even when the house itself is pretty bland.
jizzy XD
Originally Posted by jisse View Post
Lets get real here, how about you stop being a salty cunt every time I point out your mistakes and suggest changes. I and everyone else who actually spends time writing out proper feedback expect changes and improvement. .

Yes! Lets get real kid, First of all I was shocked and disgusted the other day to discover you are actually an administrator, The way you speak to me and continue to verbally abuse me I believe this is the 3rd time you have called me a "salty cunt" amongst other things without reason. so your verbally abusive and have the mannerisms of a child.

second you offered up half of a 50k prize from Rune,and said that if he was happy with my version of the mod you would send me half, a week later he was happy and he also asked you through myself if you would still split the prize, you didnt send me the TC instead you send me a 5 page essay of what YOU didn't like about the mod. so your a liar and an antagonist.

and last but not least, You talk about "improving the mod community" so what is your plan to do that? by going around calling people names,insulting them, talking as though your better than them and lying to them? so your a hypocrite and a false idol.

It looks like either a little bit of E-power has gone to your fragile mind or you are a bit worried that there are some good modders coming back on the scene and you don't want the competition, extra work or to be forgotten.

If its the latter and you really are about helping the community shouldn't you be a little more positive towards new people? and start by having a bit more respect for them. And learn to respect that not everyone wants to or has to play ultra realistic,cookie cutter colour schemed parkour mods.

The community that you speak of, are always crying out for new quick to play, multiplayer content to have fun on and have a break from the usual mods, The "real" people playing everyday and keeping the numbers up, could not give a shit if its black or blue and they are all amazing people who drive me to bring them that content they think would be awesome to play.

But hey what do I know I am sure that you also host your mods for up to 12 hours everysingle day, meeting new and old players and talking to them about new ideas and possibilities and ways for me to get TC and item sets to give back to the community and draw more intrest to this amazing game.... what... you don't? oh must just be me then.
Hold up now
First of all, I am a localmod for the replay board, that is all. I don't have any kind of power of anyone else, except for my reputation and so called fans, which I have by no means used against you in any way.

Secondly, I offered you the 25k if the mod "turned out to be of high quality", which it didn't, not if Rune was pleased with it. I may be a liar and an asshole, but to you I have only been an asshole.
Quote here: http://forum.toribash.com/showpost.p...2&postcount=17

You say I fear competition. Which isn't true. You don't see me "harassing" for example TRichard21 and Obazu whenever they post a mod, I commend and respect their work because they deserve it. I'm not in a position to tell them what's good and bad, they are above me as I am above you (note that this is in a modmaker type of way, belive it or not but I am actually a supporter of equal values). At the moment you aren't competition in my eyes on any other experienced modder. Don't you fucking compare yourself to people who are actually good or even great at modding

My plan to improve the modding community is to make good modders come forth and worse modders back down. I had faith in you at first when I saw this mod but your work has been less and less impressive since. Even after my extensive CnC over PMs you still aren't improving. Infact, your ability to comepletely disregard CnC stuns me, I am fairly sure I pointed out the issue with scales before, and I am 100% I tried very hard to make you understand the impact colors have on mods.

You say I do not respect people. That is untrue. I have a great deal of respect for people who have earned it. I also respect people who are better than me at the relevant task. The length of my modding career and the thousands of hours I've spent ingame make me, by definition, a better modder than you.
I am not here to evaluate your ability to be a nice person, most people would beat me at that. That's not a relevant topic though, so you shouldn't even bring up how you spend so much time socializing with fellow newcomers. None of that kind stuff matters if you don't listen to what more experienced people have to say and do your best to improve.

To my biggest and most important point:
You say that the community always hungers for new mods. That's true and a big issue, we don't have enough active modders. However that is NOT a reason to settle for creating "decent" and halfassed mods. ALWAYS put 100% in, ESPECIALLY when you spend so much time introducing your mods to newer players. WE set the standards of what is considered good, and when people like you produce low effort material you are dragging EVERYONE down.
People will gladly eat whatever shit you serve them because they're obviously starving, but that doesn't justify being lazy and unambitious.

Your last paragraph is downgrading and so much ruder than calling names(being called a name isn't bad by the way, you call me a kid but by your reactions I can tell you haven't gone through any hardship in your life).
I've played this game for soon to be 4 years. Depression, family deaths and anxiety has made me spend at least 10 hours per day, even on school days, which I've barely attended over the last 2 years, by the computer.
All these years I've spent 80% of my time by the computer doing Toribash related activities, being ingame or lurking the forums. That's 8 hours per day for 4 years. Over 11600 hours. In that time I've:

become a famous replay maker

been featured in 120+ videos, meaning I have drawn in A LOT of new people to the game

become a good modmaker through hard work and extensive (angry) discussions with Obazu about where the modding community is going

made more friends than you've even met ingame

Keep that in mind if you ever feel like going full white knight on my ass again.
Last edited by jisse; Jun 28, 2015 at 12:30 AM.
Just popping in to say that the mod looks good, i really don't care about color schemes at all, aslong as the mod is fun to play i give it pretty much allways a 10/10 since i like it.

and that's the same for this mod, i like it, so 10/10

( Jisse:Almost every mod gets a "10/10 best ever" rating by one or more people (looking at you Xioi)

^ i only post on mods i like and when i do i normaly/allways say 10/10 since i don't have anny knowledge in making mods. bla bla i suck at writing when it's like 2 in the morning so yea,

good mod, make more parkours pls.
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.