Toribash is the exact darjeeling I have. 4oz is 1.13398092 for $19.20. It looks like they might do international shipping, I don't know for sure though.

Though based on the origin on that link, it looks like they just buy which is $10 for 100g.
Certainly looks fancier. Unfortunately with tea you really don't know what you're getting. I might get 50g of that though.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Well I guess I'm done shopping at the local shop if they're just buying from that online store and marking the price up. It'd be neat to one day have my own tea store or little cafe of fine teas. I just need to win a lottery first.

edit: Oh yeah I'll also mention that brewing cocoa beans makes a good herbal tea. I just made a mint + cocoa bean brew.

And also, lapsang souchong is good for cooking. You can use it as a broth, or to cook noodles in, or as part of a rub for meat, brewed strongly it could be used as a liquid smoke substitute, etc etc.
Last edited by isaac; Jun 28, 2015 at 11:27 PM.
Think I'll get cheaper lapsang for that.
Anyway I got some organic first flush Darjeeling and dragon jasmine Phoenix pearls. Both were good, the Darjeeling was pretty standard Darjeeling, but Phoenix pearls were interesting. Like jasmine but weaker and mixed with something else. Both really good teas, anyway.
Got some puerh today and it was probably the best tea I've ever tasted. Something like a complex green flavour, somewhat similar to gunpowder in smokyness. It turns out we have a fantastic store in Sweden, and I went there for the first time today.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Puerh is nice, do you happen to know the vintage/type/anything about it? I've got some raw (1yr or 2yr) looseleaf puerh and it's more smokey and woody than green.

Yin Zhen is also pretty good, it's at the other end of the scale though (very light). I've been drinking a bit of gyokuro and sencha but I think it's not so good in winter, I need to wait till summer.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Reviving this. For some reason I never got around to replying to Pig. The pu'er I tried was Man Lai Shan Gu Shu from 2010. I might get some better pu'er but I'd like to get a yixing pot first although they're super expensive and hard to get a good selection of.

I got some new teaware because my gaiwan keep breaking Got a yunnan teapot and a really pretty porcelain gaiwan along with a cup.
Also went to Oslo to look at their tea stores. Turns out they are worse than stockholm by far. Bought darjeeling that tastes like assam but it was worth it for the metal canisters (I collect them).
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
you guys should try sideritis/mountain tea,with a teaspoon
of honey and some fresh lemon,it is my all time favorite and
makes wonders for getting better from cold.

About brewing i don't have anything special,
i boil some water,get it out of the fire and let it stop
bubbling,and then i add the tea,steer,drip,add honey and lemon
and boom,ready xD
Last edited by nikosefs; Mar 5, 2016 at 11:29 AM.
Originally Posted by Lazors View Post
Reviving this. For some reason I never got around to replying to Pig. The pu'er I tried was Man Lai Shan Gu Shu from 2010. I might get some better pu'er but I'd like to get a yixing pot first although they're super expensive and hard to get a good selection of.

I got some new teaware because my gaiwan keep breaking Got a yunnan teapot and a really pretty porcelain gaiwan along with a cup.
Also went to Oslo to look at their tea stores. Turns out they are worse than stockholm by far. Bought darjeeling that tastes like assam but it was worth it for the metal canisters (I collect them).

Yixing isn't hard to get, you can get them for like $10 on ebay (some are fake, but yixing is a big area that produces a lot of clay, there are legit cheap ones). Besides it's not a big deal to use yixing, it's kind of overhyped. Though it could get expensive if you buy one for every tea ;)

How do you even break the gaiwan? I guess it was bone china or something really fine? :P I'm looking for a nice gaiwan, like a Novák or similar. I'm really turning off using a pot, gong fu is nice but most of the time I drink grandpa style anyway, so gaiwan is more versatile.

Have you ever bought from yunan sourcing? I hear them recommended a lot.

Originally Posted by nikosefs View Post
you guys should try sideritis/mountain tea,with a teaspoon
of honey and some fresh lemon,it is my all time favorite and
makes wonders for getting better from cold.

About brewing i don't have anything special,
i boil some water,get it out of the fire and let it stop
bubbling,and then i add the tea,steer,drip,add honey and lemon
and boom,ready xD

That's a balkans recipe right? I like lemon honey tea but I've never had it with sideritis
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff