Well... i tought we will get more members in 1 month. Yeah! One month and i can't see any new faces in the clan! lel
I think i may get back to tb and work on new members coz i don't want this clan to get dead. Since i don't play tb it feels like nothing changed. To everybody intersted in joining: I will start a recruitment room tomorrow at about 14:00 (GMT +/-0)
Room name : YWC recruitment
Mods: Mushu/Wushu/Judo
Requirements: As stated above in the first post ^^
Allways think before you say...
...your EVERY word can be your last -_-

bitte lad mich ein
Last edited by npc333; Aug 22, 2015 at 08:10 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by npc333 View Post

bitte lad mich ein

Requirements erfüllst du ja, solltest aber ne vollständige Bewerbung hier reinschreiben, wie bei meinem ersten Post beschrieben, dann lade ich dich ein
I'm only cleaning here..
Um........do you guys need more member <3
my replay here http://forum.toribash.com/attachment...1&d=1440787829

sorry i don know how to post The replay ^^
Last edited by bestboylol; Aug 28, 2015 at 08:54 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by bestboylol View Post
Um........do you guys need more member <3
my replay here http://forum.toribash.com/attachment...1&d=1440787829

sorry i don know how to post The replay ^^

Hey, sorry but I need a full application.
I'm only cleaning here..
Originally Posted by bestboylol View Post
Name:best or bestboylol
Belt: 6th dan Back belt
Fvr mod :Judo,Akido,mushu,...
now good - -* ? and my skype is : lbbtvgamer-.-

Your application is missing a lot of information (and isn't free form too..).
Well, you already were in this clan before you switched to Tekken. And as I see now, you're already back in Tekken.
So I can't accept you.

I'm only cleaning here..
Hello all i am the new leader of YWC and i would like to post some new rules for the apply section so first off anyone that apply's must have an activity of atleast 6 on forums and game