Originally Posted by kevin909 View Post
New episode coming out soon!

You should probably look up the definition of "soon".

Anyhoot, mod today is lightinglenshu. WARNING: Since I'm cool, unlike kevin(insert #s here), I will warn you not to watch the very end of the video; unless you do not value your sense of hearing.
Hahahaha what the fuck is up with your mod choices? It's killing me lmfao
The mods you choose for your videos... GOD I love them so much, just like your vids, keep it up!
"People, like to invent monsters and monstrosities. Then they seem less monstrous themselves."
Originally Posted by Gentleman View Post
You should probably look up the definition of "soon".

Anyhoot, mod today is lightinglenshu. WARNING: Since I'm cool, unlike kevin(insert #s here), I will warn you not to watch the very end of the video; unless you do not value your sense of hearing.

Nice, subscribed
Thank you for all the positive comments!

We're back w/ a mod inspired by a GMTourney hosted a few days ago. It's about us hurting ourselves on purpose, staring at our ceiling at night and muttering the names of people who have hurt us over the years.

now do some torisex.tbm
Indonesian? | Magical Mode!
Chronoptic energy bursts from one plane to the other, evaporating anything it touches.