thnx warrior. and thnx Archlurps too for the advice.... (and the definition of madman) so i tried to do a madman =DDD lets see... (u may notice that the last replay is not a madman so...)
Attached Files
kmf_the_best_madman =DDD.rpl (138.1 KB, 12 views)
kmf_muelitas_madman.rpl (165.9 KB, 7 views)
kmf_kinda_of_madman =D.rpl (108.2 KB, 6 views)
kmf_party.rpl (84.8 KB, 6 views)
hmmh, it's stiff and has pauses, and self DM's never good, unless it's a torso madman.
I refuse to grab.
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no, go to one of my threads (not an old one if you intend to bump it), read the descriptions and watch one that says madman or combo. my combos are usually like cut-short madmans. BUT if you insist, search a thread called "grabbing is so... june", and watch pretty much any of the first post replays. don't bump that one though, pretty old.
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
Didn't watch the first page of replays, there's simply too many, but i did watch
these more recent ones. They're pretty good actually. You use relaxed joints,
there's no accidental self-DMs and most hits dismember. There is a few pauses
though, which kind of interrupts the flow, but apart from that, they're good.
I noticed that you lost your elbow in the last replay. That's a nono :0
You should take it a step further, make all intentional hits dismember, avoid pausing,
try to incorporate some boomhits, keep yourself intact and keep "flowing".
Do that, and crank up the speed at the same time, and you have a winner.
Keep it up (b'_')b
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
shook is right, these arent amazing but youre definitely getting there. make it flow a bit more i think is priority, speed and power will come soon enough

and yeah post less replays.. any more than about 5 and people will get bored. I probably missed a few of the nicer ones out of your bunch cos of that. I usually post about 3 good combos so people bother to write a bit about what they think of them individually.
Youshop | Art
Oh... my... (darn, got myself surrendered... can't say god nor goodness cuz I'm an atheist...) jiggles!

someone just remembered something I've been spewing all around the forum for months. thanks, spree . 5 is exactly the number I'd recommend, but usually if you're making the replays at the same time as you're keeping up the thread (meaning you're not posting a reserve), 3 is just about the physical limit of good replays that a person can make.
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
ok. then more speed, less replays, and more action. got it . maybe one of these days ill post one good replay . sigh* . ah ill make a desperate madman. bah, i guess its ok for a recent black belt