Original Post
Ads on Toribash forum.
It REALLY needs ads on the toribash forum to mantain the servers of toribash, come on, we need better servers on toribash and i think that this will help to it ALOT.
Keep walking
Ah fuck stop bitching guys. Do I really have to remind you that toribash is FREE and the most of you spend years playing it and you will be pissed and whinning when its gone. So the only thing to prevent that to happen is that it gets somewhat profitable. And ads would be a consistent source of money. And as i know humans you have probably several devices you can focus your attention on while the ad is running.


Klein Bottles only have one surface so they are the easiest thing to clean

Ads on Toribash? Like seriously, I hate adds, because they are almost on every site... I think the Toribash is good as it is now. Not Supported.
F I L T H Y.
[Origin] Remember where you came from.
If Hampa was struggling to maintain the servers due to financial costs and he wanted to put advertisements on the forum, I'm sure he would do so and wouldn't need our consent. As it stands at the moment it seems like they are having no problems maintaining the servers(?) so there is no need for them.
[03:39] <idabosswiz> can't you just set up a pass for ddos?
Originally Posted by TananPro View Post
come on, we need better servers on toribash and i think that this will help to it ALOT.

I don't have any problems with the servers.
It's your internet if you're having problems.
Originally Posted by imaSlayaa View Post
I don't have any problems with the servers.
It's your internet if you're having problems.

1 day i can't connected the forum, i tried playing then..... steam normal, youtube video running on 720p with no lag and that werid stuff, but the i can't connect the servers at that day after some few hours, same with the IRC; so it can't be my internet aswell.
Keep walking
Toribash does not need ads at this moment in time.
If the game has a massive increase, meaning it would have 5-10,000 people in-game daily. The servers would need upgrading and up-sizing, and that would cost A lot! How would we get that money? Ad revenue!

However, at this moment and time, no ads are needed in Toribash.


Originally Posted by TananPro View Post
1 day i can't connected the forum, i tried playing then..... steam normal, youtube video running on 720p with no lag and that werid stuff, but the i can't connect the servers at that day after some few hours, same with the IRC; so it can't be my internet aswell.

It is your internet. Other sites may work, however your internet is not connecting to the host properly. I would suggest using the public Google IP address, and see if that works better.
For my opinion it's bad idea because ppl who don't know bout ad blocker will rage.

"1 tf = win" Onsola 2k16
Originally Posted by Ukephile View Post
Ah fuck stop bitching guys. Do I really have to remind you that toribash is FREE and the most of you spend years playing it and you will be pissed and whinning when its gone. So the only thing to prevent that to happen is that it gets somewhat profitable. And ads would be a consistent source of money. And as i know humans you have probably several devices you can focus your attention on while the ad is running.


Hampa gets money with the things that are in USD in the shop like Void things and Pure things.
ToriPrime, someone buying tc, buying Tori Boosters...
So there's a lot of ways of getting money, not only from ads.
Running away...
Originally Posted by TananPro View Post
1 day i can't connected the forum, i tried playing then..... steam normal, youtube video running on 720p with no lag and that werid stuff, but the i can't connect the servers at that day after some few hours, same with the IRC; so it can't be my internet aswell.

I've never had those problems before... it has to be you dude cause I go on forums every day and I only have problems on the rare occasions when the servers are down. HOWEVER they don't go down for long enough for me to make a big deal out of it so it doesn't matter.
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