Most of these things aren't on our shoulders. Why should we care about naked models or porn stars selling their body because they can't do anything else or resources like oil, uranium or these kinds of things? Why should we care about mobile phones being destroyed by their owners? They bought them, they can do whatever they want with them.

I see 4 billions of humans who live in a land of illusion

I don't get it at all but doesn't matter.

I see 7 Billion people on Earth.

Again what's the problem here, we should evolve every day not to worry about the fact we are reproducing too fast.

I see 1 million pound of food thrown away everyday

Again, those people who waste food every day, bought it with their own money so they can do whatever they want with their food.

Don't get this thread complaining about some really useless things.
Most of these things aren't on our shoulders. Why should we care about ... resources like oil, uranium or these kinds of things?

Then on whose shoulders are they ?

We should care because our civilization presently depends on those ressources, and those ressources are, firstly, not infinite, and secondly, harmful for the environment.

Again what's the problem here, we should evolve every day not to worry about the fact we are reproducing too fast.

Because the planet holds a limited amount of ressources and the more we are the faster we consume those ressources.

Have you heard about the Ecological Debt Day ? It's a yearly symbolic mark indicating that our civilization has consumed more ressources in X days than what the planet is able to regenerate in 1 year.

Why should we care about mobile phones being destroyed by their owners? They bought them, they can do whatever they want with them.


Again, those people who waste food every day, bought it with their own money so they can do whatever they want with their food.

Don't get this thread complaining about some really useless things.

It's not about disposing of the things you own/buy as you please, that's NOT the point at all. Those things you buy and needlessly throw away require ressources to be produced, ressources that are limited on the planet, a planet that sees the human population growing dramatically high.

The fact you don't understand some points doesn't mean they're useless, they're actually vital for the future of the planet and our species. I also invite you to read my post on the previous page as you don't seem to have read it.
Last edited by deprav; Sep 24, 2015 at 07:05 PM.
yep from reading this i have deduced that this is a shit thread, but i'll post here anyway...
Most of that FaceBook post is either shit that can't be helped or shit that is really just shit... mostly the illusion parts, sure people live in the land of butterscotch and rainbows but really that serves no purpose to your argument.

on the note of starvation there is sadly nothing we can do about it. most of the people that are legitimately starving live in arid areas that can't really supply food for themselves, it's not like we are sending commandos in to their villages to raid their crops while they sleep. the people can't grow enough food to meet their own needs. The USA is a superpower that is on the top of many organization's hit list that defense budget is basically what keeps the country from having terrorist attacks weekly. YET you want the country to lower it, and instead you want the country to supply food to every single little village that can't grow a decent crop because they set their village up in a shit hole. While it seems mean, my response to that is fuck the villages if it keeps my house standing. That is how the world works and honestly usually I'm more level headed but these posts bug me because it is somehow my fault that a tribe can't grow food. Had this world been simpler and everyone treated each other as equals instead of some soccer mom posting her ideas on a social media site to accumulate points; those tribes would learn to grow and hunt when their tummys didn't get filled.
"I don't need a safety word because my mother didn't raise no quitter." ~BaraYaoi - BDSM Expert
I have to agree with Day here.

I'll use Africa for an example.

Africa is a gold mine(literally and figuratively). Yet, these are some of the poorest people on earth. They don't tap into their gold or their silver. It's not our fault these people aren't using their resources. We shouldn't have to be laboring ourselves for other people.

And Day mentioned before that these people threw themselves in a shit hole.
"Who wouldn't pass up gay sex with Bercat?"
"Day is probably masturbating to Osu"- Hydra 2k15
I like the part where he said we are doing from illusion(how is that even possible)
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
Originally Posted by qukslice View Post
I have to agree with Day here.

I'll use Africa for an example.

Africa is a gold mine(literally and figuratively). Yet, these are some of the poorest people on earth. They don't tap into their gold or their silver. It's not our fault these people aren't using their resources. We shouldn't have to be laboring ourselves for other people.

And Day mentioned before that these people threw themselves in a shit hole.

you realize that a majority of the gold/diamonds mines in Africa aren't owned by Africa right...

Africans are dumb and were scammed by Europeans multiple times, and they lost a lot of the money generators in the continent.
damn im gettin old