true words, but it represents split-decap combos well, even though it's nothing much out of the ordinady
I refuse to grab.
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Thanks maldiluna.

here's my first decent punch combo..i still suck at it but its getting better day by day.

and something else...combination of dancing, splitcapping and stiffing around.
Attached Files
KYA !.rpl (140.3 KB, 59 views)
insertcoolnamehere.rpl (148.1 KB, 55 views)
Last edited by Rutzor; Oct 3, 2008 at 03:03 AM.
<Alan> lol, rutz, it might be cool to smell your ass all the time you touch the mic

Has not much time, so I'll judge the latest:

come back you..... : I like the opener, nice little cartwheel there, and an accurate neck shot. Also Uke's respective parts were like..10m..50m..90m++, if you get what I mean. The pose was okay, as in it worked, but barely, as it wasn't complete-relax-all-drop down-dead-in-retarded-pose.

KYA! : Man, I could see Uke getting all suspense-y for like half the replay..then WHAM!! Very nice pose, too.

insertcoolnamehere : Ooo, close range (very very little) spastic dancing. Almost like KYA! in the sense Uke was flinching all the way. Plus a fast-retracted kick and a somersault decap..and landing in a nice balance. *applause*

Oh right, I forgot; hi, I am joonveen, self-proclaimed troll and Archlurp's loyal replay reviewer. Konnichiwa! ^_^
KYA!: Very good, but the third punch comes a liiiitle too fast to look realistic. other than that, great
insertcoolnamehere: nice as your dancing replays always are. the actual splitcap was good too, but nothing that would stand apart considerably. the dancing, however, was magnificent. smooth, realistic, natural... but maybe very slightly jaggy, or "spastic", as joonveen puts it. not much though

and btw joonveen, trolls are "shit thread" and "aggro post" posters, who "trawl" (troll) for reactions and try to get a VIP ticket to forum-wide fame before getting permabanned.

I thought it was just an industrious poster too, but now I've switched to "camper".
I refuse to grab.
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Thanks again guys, really appreciate your commentsncriticism.

here are 2 more replays to make this thread a lil more lively again

fastkicksens : Tried to move as fast as possible for the first kick. After that i struggle to get the second kick in but it works out ( that friggin took a while ) ending with a nice pose.

indecisive : Your average decap kick...but i couldnt decide which leg to use to rid uke of his head...i kinda float around a while while turning and take the last chance i had. no pose here, that replay doesnt deserver one >_>
Attached Files
fastkicksens.rpl (160.7 KB, 48 views)
indecisive.rpl (96.2 KB, 40 views)
<Alan> lol, rutz, it might be cool to smell your ass all the time you touch the mic

fastkicksens: sure did get it fast! You withdrew the last kick too soon, though, woulda been cooler if you just kicked the head farther away, and more natural too.
indecisive: not exactly bad, but the small twitch and pause does cut the flow a bit. even though you think it doesn't deserve one, a pose would have made it better.

how are you progressing with commenting my replays, btw? said you would. sorry if my rushing bothers you...
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Archlurps high gravity replays inspired me to do some of my own ( in fact i paused his replays and changed the editor name when saving..was to lazy to set it myself ^^ )

here's what i came up with.
Attached Files
heavy stuff 2.rpl (104.6 KB, 44 views)
lolheavy.rpl (99.0 KB, 38 views)
heavy stuff.rpl (88.0 KB, 38 views)
<Alan> lol, rutz, it might be cool to smell your ass all the time you touch the mic

great. I didn't like the opener in the first one at all though. the rest was golden, the cartwheels and shiiz.

second one was better, especially the dancing

lastly, heavy stuff looked a bit too much like just a regular gravity replay for my taste... but you did draw the punch back more.
I refuse to grab.
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Yea i was struggling at heavy stuff 2, but i wanted to dismember something with my ass and i couldnt come up with a different way to do so :P
<Alan> lol, rutz, it might be cool to smell your ass all the time you touch the mic
