Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I just think that if nobody is around who is likely to get offended then it doesn't matter what you say. If you are obviously going to offend someone if you say something then don't say it unless you have to.
Originally Posted by Pidgenere View Post
Hmm, that was a slip up on my part. I was comparing Nigger and gay in some sort of modified way.

The way I thought about it is that both word has a dark past, of course with nigger you have the years of discrimination and segregation, and with gay you have the years of the gays struggling to fit in to the "Perfect" society.

Maybe faggot would be a better equivalent? Gay just mean gay, faggot is a slur. Nevertheless, still pretty different issues, I would stick to looking at racism as it is, rather than in comparison to a different kind of discrimination.
Good morning sweet princess
Originally Posted by Zelda View Post
I just think that if nobody is around who is likely to get offended then it doesn't matter what you say. If you are obviously going to offend someone if you say something then don't say it unless you have to.

That is actually a good rule of thumb. Keep the consequences of your words in mind. Even if you don't offend anybody you might come across as rude.

I find it kind of funny how big of a fuss racism is overseas. Everybody's racist, it's human nature. When somebody is different from you, you take a mental note. It's all about being and not being a dick about it that makes a difference.
Then there's the other side of things, blacks and their own racism. They abuse racism to their benefit while being racists themselves.
Last edited by ynvaser; Oct 11, 2015 at 06:52 PM.
I have never said the 'n' word in any form of context. I especially get angry when both white and black people use it in a joking manner. This is a word that originates from when blacks were mistreated (nice way of putting it), so I still get a little frustrated.

As for comparing 'gay' to 'nigger', well, that's stretching it a bit. Saying 'gay' doesn't have the same effect, simply because homosexuality didn't go through the same experiences as blacks did. And out of both words (not sure if people will agree with this) nigger just sounds so much worse. I don't know what it is about it, but it just sounds horrid.

Let's be honest, people aren't really offended by the 'gay' insult anymore, simply because it's becoming a lot more accepted into society. The fact that gay also used to mean 'happy' takes the edge off of it too.
I'm perfectly fine with people saying "nigga" in a non-offensive way, the word is so omnipresent in today's culture (music, tv shows, movies, internet slang...) that its original meaning just vanished, people pretty much use it like "dude" or "mate".

For me, it's actually positive because it became a "group inclusion" word instead of "hate exclusion" one.

Language evolves, it never stops evolving. Words lose their meaning, find new ones, new uses, or disappear, and new words appear.
Originally Posted by MintCat View Post
I have never said the 'n' word in any form of context. I especially get angry when both white and black people use it in a joking manner. This is a word that originates from when blacks were mistreated (nice way of putting it), so I still get a little frustrated.

As for comparing 'gay' to 'nigger', well, that's stretching it a bit. Saying 'gay' doesn't have the same effect, simply because homosexuality didn't go through the same experiences as blacks did. And out of both words (not sure if people will agree with this) nigger just sounds so much worse. I don't know what it is about it, but it just sounds horrid.

Let's be honest, people aren't really offended by the 'gay' insult anymore, simply because it's becoming a lot more accepted into society. The fact that gay also used to mean 'happy' takes the edge off of it too.

I know it was a terrible thing what happened to blacks, but literally NOBODY is even alive anymore from that era. Let's be real here, almost all of the blacks that get angry when white people say nigga, say it themselves amongst BLACK friends, and say white people are being racist by saying it. No they are being racist by using the word and getting mad when whites do, it makes no sense to me.
You can expect blacks to be mad when whites say it.

White people lost that privalege way back when they decided that they were gonna do what they did to the black race.
I don't understand your point Pidgenere.

On one side you say the word is offensive and shouldn't be used by white people.
On the other side you say it's a privilege that only black people deserve.

Is it a bad word or is it a privileged word ? Or is it a privilege to be offensive amongst people that have the same skin color ? Or is it just not offensive anymore ?
Is it wise to keep using the word amongst black people if what black people want is everyone to forget about that offensive word ? Or is it not wiser to keep using it to the point it loses its original offensive meaning ?

Also, "black race" is an utterly stupid expression. There's no race, 2 black people living in the same area of the world can be genetically "more different" than one of those 2 black people compared to someone with another color from another part of the world. The concept of "race" doesn't apply for humans, what people call "human races" are biologically unexistent, we're all just homo sapiens.
Last edited by deprav; Oct 11, 2015 at 07:57 PM.
Originally Posted by Ele View Post
Just curious, what do you think of white people being offended by the word? Does that right extend to them? I think that's what a lot of this is about. I think a lot of people are getting fed up of the kind of 'gotcha' mentality and culture of outrage that we've seen in the last decade. Perhaps a lot of it has to do with the rise of the internet and people white knighting.

sure, white people can be offended. I don't see how they wouldn't have that right it really goes both ways. and if a white person can get offended by the word you have to assume that a black person would. so why say it?
also I don't know what you mean by the gotcha mentality, elaborate?

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
So if at any time in history a word is a pejorative then it is for all times poisoned?

Except people say gay all the time, but in any case that's some weird logic, why should the usage of the word 'gay' dictate the usage of the word 'nigger'? Why should not saying gay mean that I shouldn't say nigger? I don't really get it.

I get that words change meaning over time to different people, but their roots stay do they not? not everyone takes a words meaning the same way as everyone. and I know there's a dictionary definition for everything, but I mean for example the word love. to me, it might mean I really like hanging out with this person so I say I love them. to them it might mean a deep connection.
so don't be surprised if you call a melanin-enhanced fellow a nigger or nigga and they get offended. It also has to do with who they are coming from, even in modern days racism is prominent, as a black person you generally assume that a white person saying nigga to you is saying it without good intentions.

again, think of it this way: you're my acquaintance even. I've met you a couple times but we aren't good friends, and you decide it's okay to say 'what's up my nigga'. me personally, I'm not going to take offense to that regardless of how you mean it, but I'm not ever going to just assume that you're using it in a friendly
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.
Originally Posted by Pidgenere View Post
You can expect blacks to be mad when whites say it.

White people lost that privalege way back when they decided that they were gonna do what they did to the black race.

I'd just like to point out that slavery was never exclusive to a single race. The Chinese were slaved, even white people were slaved, but do they remind the whole world of it years after it happened? I feel that using slavery as justification for not using the word "nigga" is rather silly. The word is derogatory, yes, but "oh you owned my ancestors" is not a reason to be offended.

Nigga is a word I use hardly ever, and it's only when I was addressed as nigga first. I mostly frown upon its usage because it's literal meaning, even without derogatory notions, is "an undesirable person".

As for black privilege, I'll just point to my first paragraph. Everyone is entitled to being offended, but I think it's silly to be offended by something that doesn't affect you. The sentence "Black people used to be slaves." is not racist, but interpreting that as "You think I'm a slave." is definitely racist. It definitely isn't my fault you thought that, but now I'm racist because you decided on your own behalf that I must be.

(I understand my words may appear hostile, but they are not meant to be. This was based on personal experience, any members of the black community that may read this are not having shots fired at them.)
I think I might be retired.
Originally Posted by FleshMon View Post
In my country if we say anything about the opposite race, we get the racism word thrown at us and we could get sued for that

Yes, that's probably a good thing. Racism is simply saying negative things about or discriminating against a large group of people based on their religion/race.