Original Post
Azurite Force+More Drawing, 1k entry
CANCELLED, because I only got 34000 tc from anyone interested. Also, everyone but 1 person would have won 467600 tc worth of items combined. Uhm, not doing that.
The Prizes
Each ticket costs 1k tc. Possible prizes are: Azurite Force, Hydra Blood, Hydra Torso, Hydra Primary Gradient, Hydra Secondary Gradient, Hydra Force, Hydra Ghost, Hydra DQ Ring.

The Drawing
This is how the drawing will go. Each ticket is equally weighted when drawn. Winners will be sorted in the order they bought tickets. In that order, a prize will be drawn. Items are weighted by price/total i.e. Azurite Force and Hydra Blood have 17.964% chance of being drawn while Hydra DQ Ring has 1.454%. The earlier you get in, the better chance you have at getting the most expensive prizes.
The drawing will be held if maximum tickets reached or if I deem enough tickets are bought. However, in the event that people are no longer entering and not enough tickets are sold, the event WILL be canceled and money refunded with much swearing.

The Entering?
You may post, but all you need to do is send the tc and leave a message containing "drawing" or how many "tickets" you bought.

Tickets: 33 tickets out of 468 maximum.
Last edited by FNugget; Oct 21, 2008 at 11:46 PM.
@yamum4: I cannot give an exact date because it will drawn either at maximum tickets, or when people stop buying and I am acceptable with the number of tickets bought.

@DeeJayy741: I keep your name in a giant database which I save after each entry? It's not a free item giving away, it's essentially an alternative form of selling items.

FYI, this is how it REALLY works:

Entrant owns ticket numbers from Min T Draw to Max T Draw inclusive. A random integer from 1 to Total Tickets is generated. Ticket and Name written down. A random integer from 1 to the top High is chosen, entered into Value Drawn and item is determined. When I change the price of it to 0, new Low and High are auto-generated. Repeat.

Yes I know there are typos. I fixed them.
Last edited by FNugget; Oct 17, 2008 at 10:13 PM.
i take 7 tickets
shook: Here i thought Wibbles had reached rock bottom, and then this guy brings a pickaxe.
♪ 『macAbrE』 ♫
Really need a lot more people to enter or else this may be cancelled. right now, there isnt even enough tickets to raffle off azurite force alone. heck, theres 10 people and 9 items up for grabs...

What if i reduced tickets to 500tc, and doubled the ticket numbers for those already here? However, I would end up needing double the tickets...