I guess an easier solution is to let you guys CNC to your hearts content on these types of videos and just not look at them i guess?

Because theres no rule prohibiting the posting of videos here? I mean it'd be recommended to post in certain areas reguarding the purpose of the video, but this still counts as an edit. So it can still be here, but I guess whether i come back to look at CNC is my choice

So next time when i post a video like this, ill just post it and never come back. There problem solved

and if its a video I honestly want to get CNC about like thats the purpose then i'll come back to view the CNC.
Last edited by matarika; Jun 15, 2016 at 07:00 AM.
Howdy, I'm Mod Squad & The Social Media Manager @ Nabi Studios , if you have any modding or social media questions PM me or DM me on Discord: Matarika#5297
Originally Posted by matarika View Post
I guess an easier solution is to let you guys CNC to your hearts content on these types of videos and just not look at them i guess?

Because theres no rule prohibiting the posting of videos here? I mean it'd be recommended to post in certain areas reguarding the purpose of the video, but this still counts as an edit. So it can still be here, but I guess whether i come back to look at CNC is my choice

So next time when i post a video like this, ill just post it and never come back. There problem solved

That's a very immature to say. Artist's should never look down on help or people trying to help. I wondered if Mocucha did the same and I honestly think he NEVER looked because his videos never changed. Why are you posting them here again if you don't care about what the community has to say?
I don't look down on help, choosing to take or not to take is not looking down.

If someone offers you food and you refuse it you aren't looking down on it or the person who offered it.
Maybe your just not hungry, doesn't mean you can't sit at the dinner table. Yeah this is where hungry people are supposed to sit, but im still aloud to sit there.

Such as im still aloud to post here when im not "hungry" for "food"
You can put as much food as u want in front of me tho, by all means, one day i might come to eat it, or maybe not.

But why are you convinced that "change" is what the majority of my viewers want? They seem pretty satisfied and entertained by what i do now. and so did Mocucha's audience i mean come on his fanbase was staggeringly large for a videomaker who "never changed". I make videos based upon what my viewers enjoy and what I enjoy. If all of a sudden my viewers begin growing tired and negative comments come out, thats when it will be come urgent i need to change something up, not because a flimsy 3-5 people are tired of it.

and its not that i dont care about the community, it's just Not every video I necessarily want CNC on, i mean im still aloud to post it here, and i'll let you guys CNC on it, i just wont look at the cnc on videos Im not looking for CNC on.

If you find any of that immature, then thats fine, im not asking you to CNC my behavior. lol
I just have a certain way of doing things and I take pleasure in having control of my work and where it goes. If I don't take advice on something. There is a reason behind it.

Whether it be negatively affecting what the bulk of my viewers want
Whether it be negatively affecting my artistic vision
or whether my Computer Specs simply can't handle what your asking me to do
Last edited by matarika; Jun 15, 2016 at 07:23 AM.
Howdy, I'm Mod Squad & The Social Media Manager @ Nabi Studios , if you have any modding or social media questions PM me or DM me on Discord: Matarika#5297
You consistently upload videos with the same fundamental flaws. You could improve as a creator by leaving your comfort zone (aka your "signature style") and improve the overall quality of your videos. The criticism that hobo and tyzi gave could seriously improve the quality of your videos if you just gave it a chance instead of shooting it down like that. There was no "misunderstanding of the purpose of this video" they simply gave you valid criticism that you constantly seem to ignore.
small hands
Terence Fletcher: So, imagine if Jones had just said, "Well, that's okay, Charlie. That was all right. Good job." So Charlie thinks to himself, "Well, shit, I did do a pretty good job." End of story. No Bird. That to me is an absolute tragedy. But that's just what the world wants now. And they wonder why jazz is dying.

Now apply this to editing for god's sake.

Also can you stop making the first post text bold? It just removes the purpose of the bold function and makes it hard to look at
click my sig for a great time (WIP)
im smoking weed out of a pussy filled with money i like this
UgKratos, I'm not looking to improve in Toribash Editing lol I'm just here to make entertaining videos and have fun, and if entertaining videos starts to become not any fun anymore thats where i draw the line. I don't wish to "make it big" or something, I improve on live action film making, because i want to get a job in the film industry, but i couldn't honestly care less about being a "talented Toribash Film maker", i just do what's fun and if it becomes popular such as Wou then so be it, if people enjoy it, then yeah thats great too, but I'm not going to toil day and night aspiring to improve on editing video games. How people play toribash, and have fun, but suck really bad at the game, thats literally me with video making, i Will keep getting better until it stops becoming a fun hobby and starts becoming alot of work and taking too much time out of my life

What i'm doing now people are enjoying.
What im doing now I am enjoying.

^ thats really all i care about

I mean even if people hated my work, but i was still having fun doing it, i wouldn't do anything different. Because it's just a hobby, a video game. I'm not gonna stress it that much
Last edited by matarika; Jun 15, 2016 at 07:36 AM.
Howdy, I'm Mod Squad & The Social Media Manager @ Nabi Studios , if you have any modding or social media questions PM me or DM me on Discord: Matarika#5297
as someone whos majoring in editing, it doesnt show that you know how to do simple clicks here and there that could literally take seconds to do, to make your videos better.

as someone who is in film school, you obviously dont know when your camera movements are horrid. and dont tell me that it would take "effort" that you oh so dread. you could do a better job on focusing on the tori if you pressed the left arrow key one more time to center when keying.

for someone majoring in something that REQUIRES A COMPUTER, youd think they could at least improve it enough to make something decent.

you talk a lot about your style, and how your audience likes it. but get this. what if you did something different, and they liked it?


i mean, thats the purpose of production right? especially in the media industry, right? whaaaat?? itd be super boring if disney still did the same style as oswald the rabbit animations today, wouldn't it?

if youre majoring in editing, at least show it. when you do get that degree, youre going into the real world. and guess what. its not all daffodills, 1000 subscriber audience, and people who only criticize what you want them to. your "artistic vision" wont matter when "the bulk of your audience" doesnt like it.

everything you have said has gone on the borders of: "if im having fun, im doing it," and "if im not having fun, i wont do it." unfortunately for you, "having fun" is conditional. from what you have said, putting at least more effort into these toribash videos is deemed, "not as much fun, plus my audience doesn't want me to." who will you listen to in school; the teachers, or your approving students. you'd probably say your students, but unfortunately, if you arent letting the teachers criticize you—even if you dont deem what you are doing approving and fun—wont get you anywhere, and that behavior will stick when you want to actually put effort.
Last edited by Tsuion; Jun 15, 2016 at 07:44 AM.
tsu tsu cuckoo
Originally Posted by matarika View Post
UgKratos, I'm not looking to improve in Toribash Editing

simple enough, then stop posting your videos in the thread thats meant for criticism if you dont want any
Last edited by mckenly; Jun 15, 2016 at 07:48 AM. Reason: 2 mean
small hands
All of you people with so much hope i'll change, i assure you, I'm a lost cause.

So spending all this time thinking you'll change me, returning every time with the same CNC. it's pointless

So might as well let me go on my way and you continue doing you.

Call me lazy
call me what you'd like, i'll still sleep peacefully at night.

I won't say your wrong though, you guys are right. But i've come to a decision i guess, I've decided to just stop posting on the Art board, I have my own path and vision, and yeah maybe i' a ship destined to crash because I keep choosing not to listen. I may have lots of errors and flaws in what i do as a video maker, but beauty randomly comes out of ignoring people for me sometimes, like Wrath of Uke, which came out of me ignoring someone who told me blatantly nobody wants to see narrative toribash story.

I'll keep doing me, this will be my last post on the art board or maybe it won't, i could be back. But if their so hard to watch and you realize i wont change, then simply don't click on any thread with my name on it

Stop trying to help me. I beg of you, it wont change anything
it just wastes both of our time, and makes a mess of my threads
Last edited by matarika; Jun 15, 2016 at 07:50 AM.
Howdy, I'm Mod Squad & The Social Media Manager @ Nabi Studios , if you have any modding or social media questions PM me or DM me on Discord: Matarika#5297
Originally Posted by matarika View Post
Call me lazy
simply don't click on any thread with my name on it

Originally Posted by matarika View Post
everyone knows most of the CNC community now a days is cancer on the forums

Originally Posted by matarika View Post
Yeah there's a few whiny people, but "everyone" is a bold statement you have no way of backing up

dont forget hypocritical
tsu tsu cuckoo