Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
TB Features Wishlist
DashSora gave me the idea to make a document where we could list all the features that we would most like to see in the game, so I made this.

Most of them have to do with gameplay. If you want me to include a suggestion or have constructive comment on one of those already listed, you can post here or PM me.
Last edited by Odlov; Dec 8, 2016 at 12:52 AM.
This looks interesting, maybe increasing the amount of objects you can make non-static and also increase the overall amount of objects you can use in a mod. Idk if it would be necessary but it would be nice at least
Definitely, especially the non-static objects. Cap of 16 is very restrictive, though I don't know enough to say whether it's still necessary or not.
even if we can't hope for an overall budget increase, it'd be awesome if so proposed noncollision objects were added and you were able to have an increased + x amount of noncollision objects

which I'm pretty sure Dash has already suggested before
Oh yeah. I'm especially interested in non-collision/phase-through objects that can still trigger win/loss when touched, if such a thing is even possible.
Originally Posted by Odlov View Post
Definitely, especially the non-static objects. Cap of 16 is very restrictive, though I don't know enough to say whether it's still necessary or not.

Hmmm, hard to say if it was a compatibility thing or a server thing (servers do all the physics stuff for MP which includes objects)

On paper I see no real reason to keep it at 16, though I get the feeling something may explode if it's increased too much.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Bump. Added several suggestions from me and others modders. I hear Nabi's still working on modmaker features so hopefully they add some of these:

I don't see glow on that list, dynamic lighting and glowing objects could add a lot of immersion in certain mods, torches, lightsabers, light bulbs, etc.
It could be convenient to seperate modmaker functionality suggestions from features on the list.

Also, grip strength would be convenient to have as a threshold similar to dm and frac, and allow it to be editable from ingame like they are, instead of just a numbe from 1-10 defining strength. Itd be nice for consistency sake.

Flags should also be given more consideration. I cant really find any functional difference between 2 and 4, although i guess 2 is supposed to be shield (anti-instagib?) and 4 is instagib. (they both just act as instagib...) It would also be cool for less orthodox mods to allow that the static flag affect bodyparts. The non-collision idea could also work well as a flag.

Flags should also probably be documented in modmaker so you dont need to go on a tireless manhunt searching for them
Last edited by pouffy; Dec 8, 2016 at 02:26 AM.
Alright, added glow/dynamic lighting to the list. And Pouffy, I might do that later. If you and dab want ability to edit the list pm me your gmail.
I would like to see more than two players in one game. You know like sparring mods so it won't be so hard to edit. I think it would be really cool. And the fighting mods could remain only 2 people.
I am going to beat N3WB one day dambit