Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I calculated a 2200 daily intake, and I already drink a lot of 0 calorie things. Also, would it be worth getting protein shake things? Would it be cheaper than buying chicken and steak?

Also, I can't go to the gym. I though I stated this before. I do have weight and a bench for pressing and deadlifting.

How do I determine how much weight I use? Is it just all I can? Or close to my max?

Furthermore, as I have a job, would it be better to have my rest days on work days or days off? Assuming I do something like what Bodhisattva said.
if you do some push ups or something every morning before you take a shower you'll eventually start feeling better about yourself.
also it's a good way to wake yourself up in the morning.
Zero calorie doesn't mean it's not bad, you're better off drinking the normal version than zero calorie versions of most sweet drinks, because of the substitute that is usually used makes you want more ect etc


Originally Posted by Bagel View Post
Zero calorie doesn't mean it's not bad, you're better off drinking the normal version than zero calorie versions of most sweet drinks, because of the substitute that is usually used makes you want more ect etc

I ment it in the sense of, it contains zero everything. It's the flavored water things you can buy at the dollar store.
Originally Posted by Bodhisattva View Post
Ignore anyone telling you to remove anything from your diet. That's stupid.

If you're looking to gain strength and lose fat, I recommend finding out how many calories you need to maintain in a day (use something like the Mifflin St.Jeor equation for that), then subtract 350-500 calories from that. Not more. You're cutting so you'll need more protein than usual, 1.2g per kg of bw will be sufficient. Then lift heavy compound barbell movements in a 1 to 5 rep scheme. Lift heavy ass weight, with very long rest in between sets (3 to 8 minutes).

Gaining strength is mostly a nervous system thing, so mentality, pre-workout, giving yourself adequate rest, and eating carbs prior to your workout is all you'll need.

Any 5x5 program like Icecreamfitness will do.

Lifting heavy makes you gain weight in muscle actually unless you don't allow your muscles to heal. If you're fat, you will probably look even fatter unless you cut enough for muscle definition. Full body workouts won't make your body grow like that. They will stress every muscle to a point that shouldn't damage you. Eat normally, just do those frequently and you should be able to reach your goal. (do light or medium lifting a ton or find an exercise that works your entire body)

Also, strength is not muscle, I just want to let ya'll know. Strength training like bod said will make you stronger, but it probably won't cut your weight like you want.

Nothing wrong with days off, although you will see best results doing things frequently. Tis how you burn fat. (more wait, more fat) Details for the rest of what I said should be in my original post.

btw, how fat are you? If you're just a bit plumpy, id do what bod said. If you're actually like fat..
Last edited by Link; Jul 6, 2016 at 08:20 AM.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
These are tips from a lazy non fitness buff who once gained weight and then had to lose it.
Most of these come from personal experience and some research.

Lifting weights and doing cardio is fine and dandy, but in the end losing weight is just about being in a caloric deficit. As long as you eat fewer calories than you consume, you are going to lose body fat. If you eat under 2000 calories a day you'll start losing weight (granted you are a grown man). If you want to implement some strength training as well to maximize your general healthiness, I recommend doing that first thing in the morning before eating anything so your body is empty, and consumes as much of your fat as possible. Eat plain chicken, rice, vegetables, muesli, etc. Drink a shit ton of water and avoid drinking sugar and calorie heavy drinks, those are the deadliest for weight loss.

And most importantly. BE REALISTIC! This is where most of weight loss plans fail.
The most important part for any diet program is realism. Know your limits (which are usually being lazy), and set some proper goals for yourself. Set goals like "Work out 30 minutes 3 mornings a week" or even more if you think you can pull it off. There are plenty of bodyweight exercises that are great for general strenght, no gym needed. You can find all kinds of 15 to 30 to 45 minute sets from the internet. As long as you stick to that diet and do even little exercise, you'll start losing weight quite fast and feel a lot better about yourself.
Last edited by cowmeat; Jul 6, 2016 at 09:10 AM.
Originally Posted by Gambi321 View Post
I would recommend you swimming, since it isn't that expensive and is like the best sport to stay/get fit anyway (might be a bit subjective, since I was swimming for quite a long time). Practically no stress on your bones and stuff aswell.

Jogging doesn't change your appearance much, but it still really helps with your endurance.
Don't overkill with only endurance though. For example: My father once wanted to lose much weight in quite a short time to win a bet, but he mostly burned muscles, so that he became weaker

Working with your own body weight should be good enough for strenght, since you said you don't want to be a "body-builder". So simply do pushups, pullups and all that stuff on a regular basis.

You need to be more specific at want you want to achieve, as Bodhisattva said, then I might get more detailled aswell.

Perfect info. I don't know why I had to say full body work outs all the time. Those things will help you. (its basically just a bunch of full body workouts) Swimming is great because you can work put your entire body without actualy feeling very tired. Try using a 3-10 pound weight and swim while holding it above water back and forth. You can bypass that stupid block you get when you start burning fat somewhat while in the water. Doing pullups, situps, etc with pullup bars will get you in shape and tone your muscles as well. I've done all of this with good results when I want strength or endurance.

Oh, and this will explain my full body workout fetish better.
Last edited by Link; Jul 6, 2016 at 10:15 AM.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
Make sure you get in lots of cardio, A mile a day is what I do and it's honestly easy so dont be scared away by the idea. No need to sprint but definitely sweat. I'd also say look into calisthenics, build strength, build a great body, little to no equipment and it can be done practically anywhere. Since you're on a budget I'm not going to give you a stack of supplements that you should use but you should definitely invest in some Amino Acids and Creatine, I'd recommend , Micronized Creatine over Monohydrate, more surface area so more actually gets taken in. Increase water intake, atleast a gallon a day. Getting a good diet is also important, I dont care what anybody says. Get a BMR calculator(find one online or something) and try to work your daily calorie intake around that. Cardio will also burn more calories as well so take that into factor as well. Anymore questions I'll gladly answer.
~ raku ~ Team Girl Scouts ~ Clan League 2013 Champion ~ Duelist ~