Original Post
[MS] The Flameocalypse

The Flameocalypse
Get some cool flames from our secret stock!

Over the years, Market Squad has accumulated a decent number of flames. Currently, most of them just sit around in inventories of our dump accounts, doing nothing. The time has come to release them into the market again!

How will that happen?
It is quite simple, really. In the next couple of days, possibly weeks, we'll be making special auction threads in Particle Flames subforum. Each thread will consist of 5 auctions for 5 different flames from our collection. Starting bids for all of them will be 1 tc, with minimum raises of 100tc (500tc for the thread no.2) and autobuys set to 100k(unless it's a pair, then the autobuy will be 200k) , with auctions ending 24 hours after last vaid bid.
Creation of every new thread will be announced here, so feel free to subscribe to this thread.

Auction threads
Thread no.1
Thread no.2
Thread no.3
Thread no.4

If you've got any questions, don't hesitate to ask!
Happy bidding!

Logo by krisis13
Last edited by Powas; Aug 29, 2016 at 12:52 AM.
awhh poo, I just lost all my tc, this is a good idea though, we need more msqaud events and such.

Will be fun watching people add to auction by 100tc though.

ishi - "I'm Hampa's Bitch Slappin' Hand"
I'm so proud Sparky
This is something I've been waiting for for ages. Brilliant tc sink, GG.
*Pulls more tail then a special needs child at the petting zoo*
The second batch of auctions is live!
Link here!
Take note that min raise was changed to 500tc, to cut down minimal overbids a bit, while keeping it still relatively low.

I just noticed this.
What do you mean by last thread of this edition?
Is there even any edition per collection and categorized by certain condition or such after few waves of auction?
Also you stated if there's probability we allow to request certain flames after few waves.
So, when it'll be implement?