Hello, my name is Brandon also known as Father or Panda King or Sick or one of my other many nicknames that I may or may not regret. I'm 14 years old and my time zone is PDT (GMT -7). I try to play Toribash every day and I try and check the forums atleast once every other day (Primarily only when I'm in a clan as outside of clan disccussion I rarely see much on the forums that I'd like to chime in and give my two cents on the thread persay.). My favorite mods are Lenshu, Greykido, and Akido (Though I wouldn't say I'm amazing at Lenshu and I'd say I'm about average when it comes to the other 2 though I am still trying to practice all three (And other ones like ABD) and am always look to get better.). I'm also learning to animate and learn Code. I've had 1 other account in the past and it was named "SickGamer23" though most just called me "Sick" back then. I don't really remember what belt it was at and the main reason I lost it was because I took about a 1 year break from the game and when I went to go back I forgot my password and it was connected to my old email that I also didn't have access to. As of late I've been focusing allot of single player replays and less on the multiplayer side of things mainly because of quite of few bad encounters and just over all a couple bad apples though I do plan on attempting to get back into it soon. I'm also trying to learn a bit about Parkouring and Sparring. I've never been banned and I've been in the following clans: Death (I left Death because it died. Plain and simple. everyone but, me went inactive and I didn't see a reason to stay and be the only member of the clan waiting for everyone to comeback.), Funk (I left Funk because I wasn't enjoying being apart of them. No other reason. Just after being with them for a solid month I left due to not enjoying being there. They never did anything with me and just pretended like I didn't exist really.), Fanta (I left Fanta mainly because the owner of the clan "FANTA" didn't really want to put in any effort and kind of just invited a bunch of people and never really did anything for the clan page. It was just a bad situation that I didn't want to be apart of), Fallout (I left Fallout because there was no one in the clan (Like the situation with the "Death" clan) that was active. The only other member that was active left (Fa1lout himself) so I decided to leave. Those are all the clans that I can remember. The clan looks fun and seems just like a friendly place. I can't wait to get to know everyone in the clan and help make it grow. Lastly no I have never been banned. I hope you enjoyed my application and thank you for taking my application under consideration. Sorry for rambling so much and not being super organized with where I put everything though I hope it was very well Executed... Anyways bye.

Edit: Forgot about a replay so enjoy 3 that I just got in single player right now. (Also don't know why my test is bold for some reason it really shouldn't be.)
Attached Files
Cool, Cool.rpl (149.2 KB, 3 views)
Testing.rpl (157.3 KB, 3 views)
Ooo thats pretty good.rpl (60.9 KB, 3 views)
Last edited by PandaKing2; Sep 15, 2016 at 05:32 PM. Reason: Didn't mean to leave something in there
Manipulating the pieces according to your strategy... That is what defines a King.
Sure you can. Just write a little app, because we ofcourse want to have everything fair and no special Rules.

Good Application PandaKing2. Thats what i call free form We're talking about it.

Edit: You're decision won't take long though ;) Maybe you will get an answer in a time scale of 3 hours too.
Last edited by Fluxorious; Sep 15, 2016 at 05:36 PM.
For PandaKing2:


Yoooo what is up it's scares here! Nah I'm just kidding.

Hi Execution I might say the name wrong but I didnt remember yaow.
My name is Jonathan I'm currently 15 years old and just here on the forums to read and read, I personaly like to read comics books and drama. I might not have the best english in the world but I'm just here to enjoy the community and probs meet new tori-buddies.

I have played this game for about a year and a half now I think, but yea I'm most active in forums. If you need me ingame just PM me and I will go ingame if I HAVE to. I don't wanna join a room just to hangout. I don't use ingame because I'm not that skilled to play the game itself. I got steam and Discord if you wanna contact me live. I also got steam, you can find me here: I'm mostlikely ingame in games such as: Counter-Strike Global Offensive, Team fortress 2 and a buch more when I feel like I'm boring. I also have planned time to go outside with my buddy, we have going on crazy stuff far far away where I live.

Okay back to ingame or the thing about me when it comes to me and the game. I like to read posts! Thats all I got you can contact me via PM because after you prob reading this I might be asleep

Yes! The Clan is getting size *_* Thank you for applying and supporting this fresh clan!

Theres just no discussion needed here, never really heard anything bad from you and you just got a great reputation. Welcome
Good evening everybody

Im a 20 years old finnish (Finland GMT +2) guy who is getting back into the game after some time away from toribash. iv had couple other accounts but those are old and forgotten (maybe 3-4 years old). iv been inactive for last about 9 months because i was in the army (i played some on the week ends but not much) and before that i played this game on and off for about a year or so. before that i was pretty active.

Ingame and forum activity will be good or at least decent. ingame couple hours per day and i can post random memes on clan thread also.
Previously iv been in Power, Black Pentagram. was kicked out of them due to inactivity.
I have never gotten any warning or gotten banned.
You guys have discord so if i am accepted into the clan i will be on there alot.
Ingame i prefer to play aikido or similiar mods to aikido (ABD, graykido, etc.)

i might visit your discord incase you guys wanna ask me something.

oh yeah....

Last edited by TheAgonist; Sep 26, 2016 at 06:38 AM.
I have the shiniest meat bicycle!