Endurance Onslaught 6.0
@RAAAGE Perhaps the reason we moderators act like "dickheads" in our boards is that people like you lack any respect for our volunteer work. Or maybe you're expecting us to be something we just plain aren't. Not all of us have time for every problem that comes up. We do the job we signed up for the best we can, and in most cases, that's just enforcing the rules that were already in place. If you have a problem with the rules, take it out on the rules, instead of us.

As for the off-topic board becoming more wibbles-y, we already have plenty of dumb wibbles topics available to the public. Go look through the clan boards. There are quite a few, dare I say it, high quality wibbles threads there. Off-Topic is in a plenty fine place, people just aren't using it the way the rules say it should be used.

I like this board the way it is, it's a nice place to come into and blow off steam and share a bit about myself. No arguing, no shitposts. Just a relaxed and friendly board for conversation that isn't related to toribash. Do you have a problem with a board like that? I'm fine with a wibbles board, if that's what you want, but I don't want a wibbles board to replace this nice little section of the forums.

@SmallBowl I don't think things necessarily need to change, the problem is that a large portion of our community don't have a steady income, as they're under 18; let alone a credit/debit card or online form of currency. And coincidentally, it's probable that this is the population that wants to use wibbles the most. $10 for an entire year is far from unreasonable, but it's not exactly easy to ask your parents to send money to a company they've never heard of. Perhaps a fair alternative would be giving a tc alternative to just the wibbles thread, so that it still is optional to those that want to use it. However, that, again, removes the incentive to buy tp.
Last edited by Grohenbird; Sep 7, 2016 at 04:09 AM.
I think I might be retired.
Originally Posted by SmallBowl View Post
Im not sure where I stand here tbh, on one hand - of course there is demand for this kind of setting. However toriprime is surely one of the largest sources of income for toribash, perhaps not the largest but still significant.

Is it sensible to weaken arguably the biggest incentive for getting toriprime? Of having a place to make these kinds of threads

I get what you mean and I've thought about that. There's two things I'd point out. One, to what extent to people buy toriprime just for access to the toriprime board? I remember a while ago somebody actually posted the statistic and (at that time) the people that bought TP and posted in the TP board were in the minority (indicating the forum customisation was the bigger reason). Of course, there are some people who buy TP solely for the TP board (I was even one of them), so it's possible that these people will have less incentive to buy it.

That leads into my other point. Toriprime is about exclusivity. I think having a general forum-wide Wibble board wouldn't lessen that exclusive factor. There would be the free board, which everyone and their mother could post in, and then there'd be the paid one, which has a (for lack of a better word) more elitist clientele. The general wibbles for everyone to post in, and then the exclusive wibbles for forumers that paid money for it. In my mind, they serve different purposes because they target different audiences (that isn't to say that TP users wouldn't also post in the general wibbles).

I think I've explained that 2nd point rather poorly (as I'm in a hurry), but I think you can catch my drift.
Originally Posted by Grohenbird View Post
@RAAAGE Perhaps the reason we moderators act like "dickheads" in our boards is that people like you lack any respect for our volunteer work. Or maybe you're expecting us to be something we just plain aren't. Not all of us have time for every problem that comes up. We do the job we signed up for the best we can, and in most cases, that's just enforcing the rules that were already in place. If you have a problem with the rules, take it out on the rules, instead of us.

would you like a medal for your volunteer work?
do you think being a volunteer should instantly earn my respect or something?

there have been plenty of bad moderators and im sure there will be plenty more.
being a mod doesnt mean that everything you do is automatically right and worthy of my praise dude. dont take stuff so personally

in all honesty i dont care if youre incompetent i just dont like having posts deleted all the time. if you delete people's posts or close their threads all the time they arent even going to try to follow the rules dude. especially if you close or delete something that was relevant.

i was under the impression that if someone has a problem with the rules, rather than taking it out on anything, the more effective approach would be to talk to someone who can propose changes to them, or maybe even post in a thread regarding the rules?
i guess i was wrong :[
Originally Posted by Fear View Post
Firstly, can you show me some closed threads that you feel shouldn't have been closed in your mind?

Literally all of them.

Originally Posted by Fear View Post
I'm not sure if I agree with the 'tone back moderation' idea - the way I'm looking at it is that the only active threads in that situation would be posting game threads (like the acronyms thread) - this is not discussion and not the objective of off topic at all.

Discussion goes in discussion sub.

Anything less serious goes in offtopic.

Somehow you missed this.

Originally Posted by Moonshake View Post
Off-Topic is only inactive because it takes a slight effort to make a "good thread", which leads to users scrolling right past the threads I tagged "READ BEFORE POSTING" and then making really stupid posts. The problem of thread quality has been here for quite a while, and to attempt to combat this, I even made a thread (which a lot of people still ignore apparently) to guide users into making a thread that would be appropriate for our board. When users ignore this, you get completely stupid threads like the Acronyms thread and then people get upset when they get closed.

wtf is a "good thread" wtf is a "quality post"

You are talking like threads have intrinsic value that needs to be upheld. If someone wants to make a "count to 1000" thread, then what is the problem? It's not "valuable" enough? It's not high enough "quality"?

Why staff members care about this kind of crap is beyond me. It's the same logic that has staff actively preventing users from posting for fear of people getting "more post count than they deserve".

Let's break it down: the purpose of a thread is up to the OP to decide, and up to the community to decide if it is worthy of replying to. There is no inherent value to post count, thread reply count, nor in the existence of threads.

If someone makes a "bad thread" that is "low quality" it is not a problem, just let it die.

Originally Posted by Moonshake View Post
You're saying this like we encourage users to make shit shows of threads, and then we close them to laugh in their faces and boost our cripplingly low self-esteems. Users have the tools necessary to make decent threads, but currently the users just want to make threads dedicated to memes. Threads allowed here are seriously more abstract than everyone seems to think, it's not really our fault that people can't think of "FUN ON MESSAGE BOARDS" outside of game threads.

No, I'm saying that there is too big a difference between what the users want, and what the staff want.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with people making a game thread or posting for fun. Not every post has to be a literary work of art, and spoiler - none of them are.

Don't get me wrong Moonshake, you are one of the few staff members that can be unquestionably be called a good influence on the forum. However the rules you are upholding are worthless.

Originally Posted by SmallBowl View Post
Im not sure where I stand here tbh, on one hand - of course there is demand for this kind of setting. However toriprime is surely one of the largest sources of income for toribash, perhaps not the largest but still significant.

Is it sensible to weaken arguably the biggest incentive for getting toriprime? Of having a place to make these kinds of threads

1. How active is the TP sub?
2. How many, if any, users bought TP for the TP sub? For how many was it even a factor?

People bought TP before the TP board existed, and I would say that even now the vast majority buy it for the profile enhancements and maybe search.

"Let's intentionally make the forum shit so we can charge people to make it better" is not a good business model.

The main reason why I personally have not repurchased TP or VIP is because mod abuse make it worthless.

Originally Posted by SlyBash View Post
i like to imagine there is a correlation between the demise of wibbles and the increasing shittiness of the forum userbase, its almost like they had a containment board of sorts

True. Offtopic was supposed to be the wibbles replacement, unfortunately due to mismanagement it was completely ineffective.

Perhaps it's time to revisit the concept of wibbles. It was only closed in the first place on a whim and a replacement for Hamster wasn't found. Truly the epitome of the failure of the TB forum staff - the most popular sub was closed because no one could be bothered to put in the minimal amount of effort, or find someone who would.

Originally Posted by Grohenbird View Post
@RAAAGE Perhaps the reason we moderators act like "dickheads" in our boards is that people like you lack any respect for our volunteer work. Or maybe you're expecting us to be something we just plain aren't. Not all of us have time for every problem that comes up. We do the job we signed up for the best we can, and in most cases, that's just enforcing the rules that were already in place. If you have a problem with the rules, take it out on the rules, instead of us.

Right, so you act like a dickhead on purpose. Am I supposed to respect you for this?

Good for you, you are the cancer that is killing TB, but at least you admit it right?
If you have minions in your avy or sig DO NOT REPLY TO MY POSTS
I remember when I began posting on the forum. I got pissed at Moonshake for closing my threads because they were shit. I was in the dead wrong.

There's a fine line between Wibbles and Off topic. Just throwing random shit on a thread is pretty common in ToriPrime, as in there definitly needs to be policed actions in Off Topic. But, theres been some very nice things that are in ToriPrime in the last 2 years I've had it that could be allowed in Off Topic. What I think, is that as long as it is extremely pointless and not many people cant put their input into it or cant exactly relate shouldn't be allowed. Yeah, the Acronym thread doesn't fit that, but there's no discussion. There can't be a discussion there.

There's less activity in Off Topic because.... can I get a drum role please.... There's less players! Not much has changed when it comes to rules that I can tell, I can't say that any moderators for there and just Administrators are out of line when they forbid stupidity being placed in the board.

Last edited by WeooWeoo; Sep 7, 2016 at 08:51 AM.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
So one thing i never understood is why staff prefers to make its own definition of bad posts based on experience instead of just dealing with bad posts when they show up. Of course you need a reference to how you moderate, but if you think that moderating a board in an indie electronic karate simulator forum should be more complicated than that you might be trying too hard. The problem with this is that the staff end up making decisions based on how a certain type of thread worked out in the past instead of the inherent value of the thread. I've seen plenty threads closed because "this will not end well" according to who closed the thread. Unless we have time traveling staff i don't believe this is a good reason to close a thread. Only a thread with poor content (or that simply promotes poor content) or that already exists should be closed. Sure you can argue that you're preventing the bad content from showing up before it does, but you're still closing a perfectly fine thread that could go anywhere.

Bad threads and posts should be closed because they bring down the quality of the content in the community, and making statements such as "this type of thread is always bad and should always be closed" results in threads being closed because the staff thinks they're bad while the thread in question might not necessarily be bad. Was the acronym thread seriously a threat to the quality of the board? It was a fun thread that required a bit of creativity to post but in which everyone could participate. What would have happened had it not been closed? Would it evolve into a thread about nuclear weaponry and someone would learn about the subject and attempt to launch a homemade nuke killing thousands of innocents? Did you really need the extra space on the board for the 2/3 active off topic threads you currently have above a sea of closed/dead threads? #freeAcronyms
Originally Posted by WeooWeoo View Post
Yeah, the Acronym thread doesn't fit that, but there's no discussion. There can't be a discussion there.

I have a gripe with this. Why does it always have to be about discussing things? Does a thread in which you have fun and enjoy yourself and promote other people enjoying themselves have less value than a thread where you discuss things?
Last edited by pusga; Sep 7, 2016 at 02:28 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
oh yeah
I feel like this discussion about Off-Topic board is not going anywhere(atleast from looking those staffs posts), as much as I'd and many more people would like to but I have a strong feeling that they are not gonna change the rules. The rules are there and for sure will remain the same.
Last edited by hunter; Sep 7, 2016 at 03:20 PM.
"raawr says the dinosaur right?"
Originally Posted by pusga View Post
I have a gripe with this. Why does it always have to be about discussing things? Does a thread in which you have fun and enjoy yourself and promote other people enjoying themselves have less value than a thread where you discuss things?

Not to offend, but did you read my / Ele's posts before you posted this? Our idea is that Off-topic's goal as a less serious discussion platform is fine, but we also agree that threads like the acronym thread can be fun for users and deserve a place somewhere - off-topic is not the place, however.
Originally Posted by Fear View Post
Not to offend, but did you read my / Ele's posts before you posted this? Our idea is that Off-topic's goal as a less serious discussion platform is fine, but we also agree that threads like the acronym thread can be fun for users and deserve a place somewhere - off-topic is not the place, however.

i've read the thread, i don't see a valid reason why these threads can't coexist with the current type of thread allowed in off topic. if it's not the purpose of the board, then change the purpose of the board. very little would actually change, the "fun" threads would stop getting closed. it will only be a big deal if it's made out to be, if off topic has its rules changed in a huge ceremony then everyone will think it's a completely different board, but simply allowing harmless fun threads is a discreet way to repurpose the board and it wouldn't encourage more poor quality threads. We already have the fun threads, the only difference is that they are closed lel
Last edited by pusga; Sep 8, 2016 at 09:43 PM. Reason: typo
oh yeah
By not closing poor quality threads, it in fact directly encourages poor quality threads. Not closing those threads DOES make it a different board, even without changing the rules. The problem isn't that the threads are "fun"; the problem is they aren't discussion, which this board is for. Making a new board for non-discussion material is the best option.

Before Pig nitpicks at my post like he does with everything else, no, discussion is for serious discussion on serious subjects. Off-Topic is for fun discussion on fun subjects.
I think I might be retired.