Originally Posted by Daedalus View Post
Maybe Doxxy ^

Anyway, I think Aveance and Membrain head textures are more expensive due the high quality and because they're very rare, since they don't seem to make those pieces of art anymore for quite a while now :o (Aveance returned a few months ago, but I don't know if he did that much).

There are lots of other good artists too. I can mention Chris, Jebus, Ferrock, Pate5, Vermine, Barreta, Yiazmat, 8OJ4N etc etc

If I were to choose one person, I'd say Membrain heads are more expensive/rare though.

I owned a Barreta head wayyyy back.
Only ended up selling it for around 70k to someone.
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.
some people think differently for art, since in reality this is art for a game to just look good etc.
i sold a pate5 cyclops head for 200k after buying it for 60k or so
some users are desperate to sell their heads etc