Dashsora my friend!
First again I want to thank you for the octaikidobigdojo mod it has pretty fun to play with my TA friends. But im hungry, i want more.

First I found what I think is an easy to fix developer glitch where you can grab the floor inside the dojo. Though this has introduced i new element to the game i think it doesn't really match the aikido game style. So I'm asking if you can fix this in octaikidobigdojo.tbm (i don't really care for the small dojo).

Second if you can make a new mod called octaikidocage.tbm.
I request that the game rules are the same as octaikido:
-Hand, Wrist, triceps, elbow do NOT DQ.
-Foot, Ankle, Shin, Knee do NOT DQ.
-You can NOT grab the floor.

But with a new dojo environment:
- Translucent Hexagonal cage
- The cage has a wall to wall diameter equal to the diameter of the abd mod borders.
(So the cage should fit exactly inside the traditional abd dojo)
- The cage outline should be black which i think is standard.
- If possible, the cage should be 95% transparent with just a small shade of grey so players get a better feel for where it is.

I'm not familar with modding with objects so anything else you need to know please ask.

I would like to donate you 10k for your work once the mods are complete.
Leader of the Spyder House
Toribash Martial Artists