Now accepting all members

due to some inactivity and other member problems
Last edited by vipercat; Nov 20, 2016 at 04:30 AM.
meow mai doods

wadap son my name is jkjustice aka jkjustice 2 TIMES. my favorite mod is aikidobigdojo.tbm and i like to play basketball and soccer. My account i used to play on was dragon1245 but now its ban and forgotten and my current alternate is Pedals aka Pedals 7 TIMES. that is my sparring account. i been playing for 2 years. I LOVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE KITTENS aka KITTENS 2 TIMES
i love you, You would be a great fit and we have spoken
Last edited by vipercat; Apr 19, 2017 at 09:38 PM.
meow mai doods

hi my name is conshee and my favorite mods are rk-mma and i like to spar every once in a while. this is my alt account because i lost my mains password (i was a 2nd dan) I've also been in the clan Crooks.

"love kittens"
ok das cool i liek u so u join now, OR ELSE!!

Last edited by vipercat; Apr 19, 2017 at 09:38 PM.
meow mai doods

Name (In-Game): DisguisedG

Belt: 4th Dan Black Belt

Age: 15

Maturity Level (1/10): 8.5/10

Cooperation Level (Are You Able to Cooperate well with others)(1/10): 9.6/10

Reason Why You Want To Join The Clan (Be as specific as possible)(No short answers, make it decently detailed): I want to join this clan to help in all possible ways. I will never give up in the fighting that we do. I will always do my best and try my best to ensure victory. I vary in many types of skills. I have defeated many and have also been defeaten by tons. I am here for a reason. I shall rise from them defeats and call upon bigger and better victorys. My name is DisguisedG and I am here to win.

Timezone (To tell when you will be on): (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)

Can You Take A Joke: Yes definetly

What Will You Offer To The Clan: I will offer my full respect to those above me. I will offer everything I have when fighting. I will do my best to ensure this clan a pure victory. I will push against all odds and bring this clan to VICTORY!!!

Anything Interesting About You: I specialize in many MODS.

MODS You Are Good At: Aikidobigdojo/ Aikido/ Mushu/ Wushu/ Lenshu/ Ninjitsu/ Taekyon/ Pendulum Jumper/ etc....

Form Of Communication(Examples: Skype, Discord, Teamspeek, etc..): Discord/ Skype

Application: xSabrex
Hello, my IGN is xSabrex, my name is Jesse and I live in Texas and play a lot of video games. I have Steam if you want to add me (SabreTooth). I'm really good at Wushu/Mushu but I'm decent at Abd. I've had 1 previous account as "TheSabre" but I forgot the password to it. I've been playing Toribash for about 3 years and this is the first time I've applied for a clan. I hope you will at least consider accepting me. I love kittens.
im mrfacefur and im a shitty teenager who sits in his room all day long wasting hard earned toricredits on bet servers, playing obscure indie games and making "ART" and posting it on deviant art for all the tumblerinas and children to see

as far as experiance goes ive been in the clan (foxy) before but
got booted for inactivity cause i got bored of toribash for a while
(not sure if thats a red flag or not)

anyway love kittens
"Those stripes, that tail, that wiggle, wiggle, wiggle."