Original Post
Improvement to Help Squad Identification
So Ingame badges are a thing for every other group that has an effect in game, other than Admins (Even Event Artists have one) so why not Help Squad? Or at least something to make them more identifiable in game.

  1. With the Help Squad's increased necessity for activity in game, would it not be helpful for them to be identifiable to others? They have no current prefix symbol or anything, and considering their work is mostly with beginners to the game, it would help to have something clear to label them with. Drawing them towards the member for help. (A prefix is possible, however I am unsure of how people are going to globally be able to associate the prefix symbol with the Help Squad, a '?' maybe?).
  2. (A Side Note) With an on-going Recruitment Drive, wouldn't it be nice to say "Oh and you get a cool looking in game badge" as just a little extra that would attract players towards the idea of getting involved and helping the retention rates of the game. Especially with the amount of work they are doing for very little recognition, it would help to bring light to them in the community. (Read This Post Before Commenting On This)

    For Anyone Thinking of Applying

  3. As mentioned, almost every other staff position has one and so it simply adds stigma to the group as 'not part of the staff team' when they are undeniably vital to the community.

  1. Time taken out of the item forgers days, and the creation of a new item (unaware of how arduous this process is).

If you have any additional pros and cons, then please provide them below and I'll add them to the OP.
Last edited by Bless; Feb 15, 2017 at 11:09 PM.
We can do our Job without it, but sometimes when I join to the low belt's servers and some players see me as a hacker or someone that should not be there.

Im neutral...
~ [Tribe]Shade ~
You think this SMod badge helps anyone identify me?
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

As I mentioned before, it would help in certain situations but it's not really something mandatory, it's mostly just proving new players in the beginner rooms that you are a staff member and there to help them. It's also quite useful if you're just chilling in public room and someone has a quick question that they want to ask, it would be easier for people to identify that this person can help them if they got any questions or need assistance.
Last edited by Smaguris; Feb 16, 2017 at 09:05 AM.
In my eyes, with HS, you dont need a tag ingame or a colored name ingame to help. In the beginning when HS was created, it wasnt meant to have this stuff as our "job" doesnt require it. Sure the tag ingame might be cool and such, but we dont need it. If someone has a question in a public room, they normally ask it to everyone, and I stress: you dont need staff to help people.


Originally Posted by Wizard View Post
In the beginning when HS was created, it wasnt meant to have this stuff as our "job" doesnt require it.

Your job description has changed though, you're now expected to uphold ingame duties...

Your job also isn't just to answer questions people have ingame. It's to act as Tori-Agents - to engage with newb users, to make them feel welcome, to make everything feel less daunting so they stick with the game.

This is why I felt it was better to have Tori-Agents come back rather than make Help Squad do this shit. This is a big task that requires effort. It's not just 'Oh, I just have to pop in a server occasionally and answer questions if people ask'.

If they can see a prefix, they can go "Oh cool, this is one of the guys who's job it is to help me out". As it's been noted, a lot of the community are dickheads, so having a sign that says 'I'm not a dickhead, you can come to me' is a good thing.
A prefix symbol would be fine I'd say for in game recognition. A ! or a ? would be suitable I'd say. Though I don't know if any of those are taken yet for other departments.

Regardless, I don't agree with your 2nd point. Yeah, it's nice and all to have a badge, but if it's just encouragement to get them to apply, then what's the point of them joining? If they want to help out, then that should be enough, not telling them about a gray name or a badge in game. It doesn't seem like they'd be after the position to do its job, but just to stand out as Help Squad.

A gray name for the forum is fine, as always. But I wouldn't use it to get people to join.

I'm sure they'd do the job, but for what cost? Just so they have a badge? Jeez.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
Originally Posted by WeooWeoo View Post
A prefix symbol would be fine I'd say for in game recognition. A ! or a ? would be suitable I'd say. Though I don't know if any of those are taken yet for other departments.

Regardless, I don't agree with your 2nd point. Yeah, it's nice and all to have a badge, but if it's just encouragement to get them to apply, then what's the point of them joining? If they want to help out, then that should be enough, not telling them about a gray name or a badge in game. It doesn't seem like they'd be after the position to do its job, but just to stand out as Help Squad.

A gray name for the forum is fine, as always. But I wouldn't use it to get people to join.

I'm sure they'd do the job, but for what cost? Just so they have a badge? Jeez.

Neither symbols are currently in use


This was added, can you do whatever you do with this when the suggestion is implemented?
[21:55] Icky: How the fuck can i make witty lines about blossoms without going full weeb