Originally Posted by R0i View Post
It has never been more easier for me to say I suggest with having Siri in our clan. He would be a great addition to the clan, definitely voting yes.

If i'm honest, that app is actually the best one i've seen in a long time xD and he/she sounds quite interesting.
For now I will let him/her wait it out.
Last edited by max; Jul 3, 2017 at 10:46 AM.
IRL :I am called dilan I am 15 years old I do football
In-Game :I'm Sunha I am Black belt I practice, the trick SPAR and parkour
Forum :I do not often go to the forum just to make a can of marcketing

I want to join him because I find him nice, personally I know nobody but I would
like to know them again to improve their knowledge (if he will: P

I will participate in the vent and help them to show to top ^^
ps:Sorry my eenglish is bad xp
I did and quickly done ^^
Attached Files
parkour 2.rpl (1.38 MB, 3 views)
Somprero.rpl (340.1 KB, 3 views)
trick bruh.rpl (585.9 KB, 5 views)
trick bad.rpl (366.4 KB, 4 views)
Last edited by Sunha; Jul 7, 2017 at 06:48 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by Sunha View Post
IRL :I am called dilan I am 15 years old I do football
In-Game :I'm Sunha I am Black belt I practice, the trick SPAR and parkour
Forum :I do not often go to the forum just to make a can of marcketing

I want to join him because I find him nice, personally I know nobody but I would
like to know them again to improve their knowledge (if he will: P

I will participate in the vent and help them to show to top ^^
ps:Sorry my eenglish is bad xp
I did and quickly done ^^

The application was quite poor, and you're not the right person to be in this clan, sorry. Denied
my real name will not be told but am a female with art skills am 20 at the moment and I think I could be a real good use in the clan cause am always online and my main mod is abd I have also been a recruiter in clans like chill, aw and many more clans these are the main reason I think I should be recruited into orgianls

p.s- best friend is bob and I speak spainsh and am from new York.
my name well not be told but am a girl from new york I speak Spanish have art skills and think I should be able to join orgainls because I have helped out clans grow like aw and chill and more by recruiting new players my friend is bob and my fav mod is abd so thank you.
Last edited by cookielu; Jul 18, 2017 at 01:52 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Irl Information
In real life my name is Dylan i am currently 13 years old and enjoy drawing, playing basketball and soccer, i also like to skateboard now and then.

Ingame/Fourm information
Ingame my name is crow and i am a custom belt currently at 26k qi, i mostly play aikido varients, but sometimes i play in other mods such as tk, mushu, wushu. I play almost everyday unless im grounded or some shit. I check my pms almost everyday and am constantly checking the fourms.

Why i want to join/What i can bring to the clan
I want to join original because it seems like a pretty chill clan that i can just rest in for awhile and not feel pressured to be competitive and stuff, i also want to join original because some of my friends are in this clan. What i can bring into this clan is some semi decent skills in aikido mods.
Hello im FleshMon and im applying for originals.

Im 19 years old and im in my first year of college.
In my free time im either hanging out with my friends or im playing some sport such as tennis or golf (lol)

There are many mods I enjoy but the one that tops them all has got to be the one and only judofrac, its my favorite mod when it comes to competition. In singleplayer I like doing some parkour or tricking.

I am extremely active on the forums, its a requirement for being part of the staff team. Currently I am part of help and event squad, I also know how to make mods, parkour mods mostly.

I want to join originals because I believe I can make it better, im a talented multiplayer and im quite good at leading players.

Unfortunately I cant find my old replay thread and they're not the best but here is my new replay thread.

Thank you for reading!
Quack's Club

Pm me for help or if you have any questions.
Originally Posted by FleshMon View Post
Hello im FleshMon and im applying for originals.

Im 19 years old and im in my first year of college.
In my free time im either hanging out with my friends or im playing some sport such as tennis or golf (lol)

There are many mods I enjoy but the one that tops them all has got to be the one and only judofrac, its my favorite mod when it comes to competition. In singleplayer I like doing some parkour or tricking.

I am extremely active on the forums, its a requirement for being part of the staff team. Currently I am part of help and event squad, I also know how to make mods, parkour mods mostly.

I want to join originals because I believe I can make it better, im a talented multiplayer and im quite good at leading players.

Unfortunately I cant find my old replay thread and they're not the best but here is my new replay thread.

Thank you for reading!

No point in discussion. welcome bro XD

Autistic tori

Hey what's up, I'm Sc1ence01 (don't mind my cringy name, I was autistic when I made this account) and my real name is Julian.


I'm just a typical high-school bookworm/nerd/edgy boy from the Philippines and I have a huge fascination and interest when it comes to Video-games. I simply became inclined to gaming from the start. Oh, I also practice Taekwondo and Arnis.

Me In-game

I'm an average Toribash player whose love is towards grappling mods (especially ABD). Whenever I have free-time and I feel rusty af in-game, I simply go to random lobbies and invite random people to play random mods.

Side note: I dislike dueling and I'm obsessed with betting

Me as a Forummmm guy

You would know by my profile that I am EXTREMELY active in the forums. I mostly participate on the Wibbles board, Replay board, and Clan board. There was a time when I left the forums and the game for a solid year because of some problems. I just returned last month and I am active as ever. Currently, I'm running the [TMA] Organization with a [TA] friend.

(I also leave a shit-ton of CnC's on the replay board)

Clan History (and why I want to join):

>I used to switch from clan-to-clan (and became a leader on some of the clans I joined)
>found [MAU] and realized that [MAU] is my heaven
>Then I left TB for a year because of some problems
>Got back to the forums
>Realized that MAU died and most of the members gave up
>Joins my old friend's clan
>Got bored because of its inactivity (like seriously, just check (JackAzz)'s thread)
>sees this clan
>Realized (o) has a lot of potential

Forum skills: Medium-rare boneless shitposter; Can help on OP coding; Marketing; Video-making (kinda retired tho)
In-game skills: Replay-making [(?)(I'm trying my best to learn)]; the ability to endure qa servers; the ability to endure judo and judofrac


That's all and thanks.
Last edited by Sc1ence01; Aug 4, 2017 at 05:57 PM.
Weirdest Tori in Toribash
<Diuwaybuns> Toribash is unprotected sex