Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Also just btw someone might wanna update the members list cause a lot of those people aren't in dark anymore and some people who are in it now arent on the list.
I'll do a basic update to the clan list on the page every time I can get online on my laptop
◄●► I'm alive! ◄●►
◄●► Leader of (Dark) ◄●►
I doubt I'm gunna be able to breath life back into this dead clan but WHY NOT! lol, looking for members I guess, Don't mind what you do in the clan as long as it's respectful to the last few players in this game lol
◄●► I'm alive! ◄●►
◄●► Leader of (Dark) ◄●►
I dunno about the war side of things I'm rusty as all hell but gald to have an active member
◄●► I'm alive! ◄●►
◄●► Leader of (Dark) ◄●►
hey, raven, i've put you in the war rank in the clan. feel free to fight who ever you feel like you can take on lol
◄●► I'm alive! ◄●►
◄●► Leader of (Dark) ◄●►
Hey there guys, long time no speak to any of y'all, I see my main man Mastertron (say that fast 5 times in a row) has gotten the clan back up to scratch and speed. I will be actively looking out to recruit members so if any of y'll are interested, find me in-game. Now to the good suff.

I#'m Russ, (The Real Wukong on youtube) and I'm 20 Y/O,
I'm one of the original founders of this clan along with Rhysifer and Mastertron.
I've seen this clan in the height of it's glory... way back when, and I've seen it crawling desperately on it's hands and knees,
I'm happy to see that we still exist and that we haven't been lost in an abyss like our ancestors before us.

I hope to see you all in-game again, so if I haven't spoken to you in the.... 2 years i hardly played, come say hey!