Original Post
Marketeer of the Hill

Think you're the most hardcore of all the active marketeers? This is your time to prove it.

Each participant will receive access to a special account with 5,000 toricredits (paid by their entry fee) and 20000 Qi, and they'll use this account to market. It will have a special character at the beginning of its username so it won't be able to go ingame. This account will be permabanned after the event is over.

To enter, all you need to do is send 5000tc to the Marketeers account and post on this thread confirming that you've sent the tc.

Your objective is to gain the most toricredits of all who are competing in the event - items will not be taken into account with your total toricredits.

  1. You may not receive any TC or items from any other form of monetary gain other than selling/trading items (this includes asking people to give you huge discounts on items due to the event).
  2. You are only allowed to sell ITEMS. Buying and selling art is not allowed under any circumstances.
  3. All transactions must be done through either SafeTrade or through the market (you cannot send TC directly or receive an item directly to or from users, users who do not utilize SafeTrading will be infracted).
  4. If you receive 3 infractions on your alternate account, you will be disqualified from the event and the TC you gained will be taken.
  5. You cannot use PayPal or any other way of transferring real life money to gain TC or items.
  6. You are not allowed to utilize the SafeTrade system to secretly store your tc amount from the public.
  7. Your event account may only post in the Items section and the Particle Flames section - any posts that are not within those sections will be infracted and will count towards your three event infractions.

Anyone found to be transferring items to or from their event account for any other reason than for legitimate marketing within the rules of this event will be immediately disqualified and have a hefty ban placed on their main account. Please don't try to cheat the system. We want a fun and fair event here.

1st: 55% of the total tc on the other event accounts, ToriPrime (1 year), VIP (6 months), and you will be able to keep your special account.
(you also get all of the items and tc you collected on your new special account)

The other 45% of the tc found on every special account will be sent to the participant who utilized the account during the event - all items found will be further utilized for upcoming events and fun times.


The event will start on August 27th and end on September 27th.

Entries will no longer be accepted 4 days before the event starts: midnight on Aug. 23rd (GMT 0).

If you have any questions, message a member of the Market Squad or post in this thread.


Happy marketing! :]
Last edited by Creati0n; Sep 29, 2017 at 02:14 PM. Reason: added new rule
Originally Posted by juke123 View Post
I don't get this...
How will you get items+tc?

You start off with 5000 Tori Credits (your entry fee) and 20,000 QI. It's a special account you're given for this event, says it in the OP.

Hope this isn't backseat moderation, just explaining to him real quick what this is.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
Originally Posted by juke123 View Post
Do you buy items with 5k and sell em?

Yes, you try to build up the most TC by buying and selling items.

Last edited by WeooWeoo; Aug 17, 2017 at 11:20 AM.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."