Endurance Onslaught 6.0
i blame tyzi for telling people to grow thicker skin in the past in reports. it was not cool for him to say that stuff
Originally Posted by Nerfpls View Post
i blame tyzi for telling people to grow thicker skin in the past in reports. it was not cool for him to say that stuff

Good point a lot of staff are also just as "toxic" as normal players, and can be quite ruthless on people but I mean its all part of it
I apologise for this post.
I agree that sometimes staff promote this kind of mentality, I don't know if they really feel that the comments are entirely acceptable themselves, or if they believe them to be an unavoidable reality that can only be tolerated. Personally I think that plenty can be done about this issue, but only if we insist so, if we just accept it as the nature of the community then nothing will change. We need to actively discourage this kind of thing if we want to see anything happen.
I mean personally I dont really care its just a game and a random community and I enjoy giving my friends shit, u shouldn't let someone that you dont know offend you but as I said I do notice that some people say some shockers and take it quite far, mostly racism.
I apologise for this post.
Personally, there is an acceptance, joke-able level of insults among friends and people you normally hang out with or talk to. Just a little banter.

There is a point where it goes too far though, and I personally don't think you should trash talk people you aren't close with or know. However, the internet allows us to talk a lot of shit to unknown people without the real consequences.
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The internet is not a place conducive to empathy Scourge. As DP said, there are no IRL consequences for flaming people. Empathy is a learned behaviour and, on average, men really don't learn it until later in life. This is a video-game forum filled with predominately young men. You can see where I'm going with this. You're never gonna win the battle of trying to get people to be nice in gaming forums.

Knowing that, your only option (and I know you don't like this) is to change how you respond to it. You're ultimately in control of your own emotions. You can choose to feel shitty, or you can choose to brush it off and carry on.

On the rare occasion I play the game, and on the rarer occasion I'm confronted with a flamer, I engage them in dialogue. I talk with them, ask them about their day, ask them why they're sad, that sort of thing. It quickly turns the situation around. It shows them you don't give a shit about their flaming and if you do it right, you can make them look stupid in front of everyone else (ORRR, even better, they start treating you with sum hespect).

It all comes down to how you respond.
Last edited by notEle; Jul 3, 2018 at 10:34 AM.
Kids will be kids man, welcome to the internet. Remember, we've all acted immature on here at some point. You won't be able to change the way other people act; only person you control is yourself. You shouldn't even take the stupid shit people say here seriously. They'll face no real life consequences, and they don't care about your feelings. Sometimes they don't even intend to offend someone yet they still do. There's not much you yourself can do about it except worry about the way you're treating others.

Just worry bout yourself
I don't give a flyin' fladoodle
The most offending insult is one that is true.
on the internet, nobody knows anything about you as long as you don't tell them.
Besides, no community is home.
it's about the friends you make in the community that feel like family.
You can't fight change. You can't fight nature.
I think Sourge is totaly true, By the way we have here a Little comunoty of people who insult everyone, in groups, harrass people, try to hack accounts, admins accounts too and never have problems and I don't speak about the ddos... the people do that just for win, this game will die by this own players...
Originally Posted by TalyorG View Post
I think Sourge is totaly true, By the way we have here a Little comunoty of people who insult everyone, in groups, harrass people, try to hack accounts, admins accounts too and never have problems and I don't speak about the ddos... the people do that just for win, this game will die by this own players...

That's every gaming community ever if you just focus on the bad and ignore all the good friendships and community giveaways/donations.