Original Post
Bring Back In-Game Player Rank
So I’ve logged back in to Toribash after about 6 years of not having the game or it even being downloaded on my PC. I stubbled back on to it through YouTube broke how a video of Toribash esports appeared and then the nostalgia hit me, and I remembered why I spent hours playing this game. To be known as one of the best.

As you can see, I was slightly disappointed upon my return to go in to a ABD lobby see that they were no longer visible and I could not find them, any chance you could bring these back?
Come and get drunk with my family [Liquor]
Don't understand why the in-game player rank was removed in the first place. I am 100% behind bringing it back.
The Smoke Will Never Clear
#LLPS 💙💫
Originally Posted by Forex View Post
Don't understand why the in-game player rank was removed in the first place. I am 100% behind bringing it back.

This is why i <3 You

And me either, literally if they changed anything else in the game I wouldn't care XD

Just gimme back my ranks
MaryJane Good Fuh Yuh Soul, Like Toothpaste Good Fur Yuh Teet

To be fair the ranking system was actually fun and use full. All Toribash is now is waiting for an ES to host some boring long tourney or someone to make a bet server but this is like once every couple days/weeks, the ranking system leveled it out where players could play ranked and actually have fun until an event or tourney came up.

Sitting in a public server just to play some matches for no reason at all isn't it anymore. bringing back ranked might actually have people play this game again properly.

they won't bring back ranked though, not for ages at least because none of these suggestions or idea's ever get implemented.
Originally Posted by max View Post
To be fair the ranking system was actually fun and use full. All Toribash is now is waiting for an ES to host some boring long tourney or someone to make a bet server but this is like once every couple days/weeks, the ranking system leveled it out where players could play ranked and actually have fun until an event or tourney came up.

Sitting in a public server just to play some matches for no reason at all isn't it anymore. bringing back ranked might actually have people play this game again properly.

they won't bring back ranked though, not for ages at least because none of these suggestions or idea's ever get implemented.

Couldn't have said it better my self,

I don't know why they even took it out in the first place? It is frustrating because you're so right why wait in a server and theres no actual reason to why you're playing other than to play. I don't see any draw back from having a ranking system at all.

I feel as though the majority care more about making replays and stuff than playing mods like abd, mushu etc. And I can see why theres nothing to play for.

Its just annoying more than anything. If there was actually a reason as to why its been taken out I probably wouldnt be this bothered...
MaryJane Good Fuh Yuh Soul, Like Toothpaste Good Fur Yuh Teet

Originally Posted by max View Post
To be fair the ranking system was actually fun and use full. All Toribash is now is waiting for an ES to host some boring long tourney or someone to make a bet server but this is like once every couple days/weeks, the ranking system leveled it out where players could play ranked and actually have fun until an event or tourney came up.

Sitting in a public server just to play some matches for no reason at all isn't it anymore. bringing back ranked might actually have people play this game again properly.

they won't bring back ranked though, not for ages at least because none of these suggestions or idea's ever get implemented.

The accuracy of this post here is ridiculous that it pretty much brakes the scale.... I couldn't agree more max!!!!
The Smoke Will Never Clear
#LLPS 💙💫
ranked mode and global leaderboard please!!

preferably one that is easily accessible through forums and doesn’t require opting into newmenu to view.

i’m honestly flabbergasted that there isn’t and hasn’t been a global leaderboard ever since people started taking the game a little more seriously!
Originally Posted by skizz View Post
ranked mode and global leaderboard please!!

preferably one that is easily accessible through forums and doesn’t require opting into newmenu to view.

i’m honestly flabbergasted that there isn’t and hasn’t been a global leaderboard ever since people started taking the game a little more seriously!

I'm DrKXD and I support this message!

Bumping this till its implemented!
MaryJane Good Fuh Yuh Soul, Like Toothpaste Good Fur Yuh Teet