Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Ok, can you paste the contents of your custom.cfg from Saved Games in that case?
Did you try switching to beta branch, does 5.60 have same performance issues?
#This file has been generated automatically. Don't edit unless you know what you're doing
"" ""
languagesteam "0"
language "data/language/english.txt"
mousebuttons "1"
backgroundclick "0"
volume "0"
musicvolume "0"
chattoggle "96"
chatfocus "0"
fullscreen "1"
autosave_rpl "1"
rememberrules "0"
framerate "75"
shaders "1"
fluid "1"
reflection "1"
softshadow "0"
ambientocclusion "0"
bumpmapping "1"
raytracing "1"
particles "0"
trails "0"
hair "0"
hairquality "1"
obj "0"
bodytextures "1"
noreload "1"
width "2560"
height "1440"
fixedframerate "1"
replaycache "2"
chatcache "2"
filesort "2"
worldshader "0"
effects "2"
matchmakerx "0"
matchmakery "100"
matchmakerhidden "0"
clanuipopup "0"
newmenu "1"
memsize "1"
highdpi "12"
keyboardlayout "0"
customworldshader "data/shader/clearwhite.inc"
autoupdate "1"
personal "1"
tooltip "1"
movememory "1"
chatcensor "0"
objshadow "1"
showbroadcast "2"
beginner "0"
uilight "0"
menudebug "0"
jointflash "1"
blood "0"
grnewgame "1"
replayhudtoggle "9"
borderless "0"
playertext "1"
dpiawareness "1"
itemeffects "1"
usagestats "1"
shopnews "0"
guidpi "12"
jointobjopacity "6"
systemcursor "0"
shout "0"
shout_default "0"
dismember "0"
dismember_default "0"
fight_alert "0"
fight_alert_default "0"
freeze "0"
freeze_default "0"
game_over "0"
game_over_default "0"
grading "0"
grading_default "0"
grip "0"
grip_default "0"
hit "0"
hit_default "0"
impact "0"
impact_default "0"
joint "0"
joint_default "0"
menu "0"
menu_default "0"
none "0"
none_default "0"
pain "0"
pain_default "0"
ready "0"
ready_default "0"
select_player "0"
select_player_default "0"
splash "0"
splash_default "0"
swoosh "0"
swoosh_default "0"
bloodstains "1"
invertedcam "0"
camerafocus "1"

updated to beta branch and it still lags when i turn on raytracing/reflections. the ui is sick tho
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.