A great player is a great player and they're still going to destroy you either in boxshu, lenshu or whatever mod you play. The skill curve/ceiling comes from adapting to your opponent which is something only very good players can do (I've experienced it)... And that usually happens with guys 8th dan and above.

Originally Posted by Kirito View Post
what if we start like a dedicated thing(org) to peer review replays or live fights by a panel for not rankings, but rating on how well they played their fight, scoring for things like dominance/control, positioning, overall tori movement/immersiveness, specific strategies used for the specific fight and how beneficial they were to the outcome, or make up your own. probably would be a pain in the ass to do but might have some fun data anaylsis we could learn from

I think that ORMO is a thing already. The whole Replays board actually!! You can create an organised thread there, I'd be very convenient.
Originally Posted by 100USD View Post
in my opinion this is the worst game on the planet competitively so respectfully suck my dick and fuck you, fuck your mother, fuck your grandmother, and ur grandmother's mother's mother.

if you don't believe me then by all means go play vs Shine for 5 sets of first to 3 and tell me if your 10 years of experience in boxshu meant anything.

literally in no other game would you lose to someone who barely plays while you spend 12 hours a week on it. in fact, i can dumpster you on fortnite for 40 games in a row without dropping a single game right fuckin now. you can't do that on tb lol.
you shouldnt even be using 10% brain power to many streak a lobby full of differently abled people (public boxshu players) and yet you don't.

why? because unless you're felnin and have 0 life outside of tb for 19 out of 23 years of your life, you simply won't. shut your fucking stupid ass up about a fucking skill curve that only exists in singleplayer. nowhere else.
if you still don't believe me, look at cicada's thread. diamond had to play 15,900+ duels to be as good as he is. do you realize how much time and money that is?

you're better off going pro in smash bros
you will never ever match the sheer volume of tc that diamond dueled with or have as many people to duel against that he had or play as many duels as he did so until this game somehow revives itself back to its 2015-2017 days of competitive, consider this game worthess to play.

You know if you ignore the fact he may or may not be speaking English in this comment and is going demented over the fact he got banned in a balls game, he's on the right track, sort of. There is a skill curve if you keep playing and want to get better at a certain mod or overall skill, but at the end of the day the ceiling is essentially rock-paper-scissors openers, random fracs and dms, running, ect ect. Duel scamming is optional, I think.
but rock paper scissors is a skill based game
EMS (Emergency Medical Services) | PT
Um Mamute pequenino queria voar
There's no such thing in Toribash. There's always a better way to execute a replay concept, always a way to be more creative. Multiplayer is random.
Factory. Sometimes sleeping.
Originally Posted by 100USD View Post
in my opinion this is the worst game on the planet competitively so respectfully suck my dick and fuck you, fuck your mother, fuck your grandmother, and ur grandmother's mother's mother.

if you don't believe me then by all means go play vs Shine for 5 sets of first to 3 and tell me if your 10 years of experience in boxshu meant anything.

literally in no other game would you lose to someone who barely plays while you spend 12 hours a week on it. in fact, i can dumpster you on fortnite for 40 games in a row without dropping a single game right fuckin now. you can't do that on tb lol.
you shouldnt even be using 10% brain power to many streak a lobby full of differently abled people (public boxshu players) and yet you don't.

why? because unless you're felnin and have 0 life outside of tb for 19 out of 23 years of your life, you simply won't. shut your fucking stupid ass up about a fucking skill curve that only exists in singleplayer. nowhere else.
if you still don't believe me, look at cicada's thread. diamond had to play 15,900+ duels to be as good as he is. do you realize how much time and money that is?

you're better off going pro in smash bros
you will never ever match the sheer volume of tc that diamond dueled with or have as many people to duel against that he had or play as many duels as he did so until this game somehow revives itself back to its 2015-2017 days of competitive, consider this game worthess to play.

legendary answer.

Skill curve nowadays is really different from what it was back in 2010-ish. Back in the days belt was atleast somehow representative (10th dan in 90% of cases beats 5th dan, etc).

Now belt means nothing due to TONS of alt accounts, Movememory or the fact that whole community using same 3 openers in every mod. It happened also to CS, Dota, LoL, etc. players. U could be really good at the game having "global" (CS) and then, after 3 years brake you realise that silvers use strats that was only common for high ranks back in the days.

Right now, i would say, ppl can be split on 3 categories "Total braindead group"(10-15%) - "Ok level players (trash)" (85%-90%) - "Actually good players" (10-15 people)

So for the newcomers if they are not in the first category skill curve is pretty steep to 2nd group and then veeeeeryyyy slow route to the 3rd group
smegma controller
ok guys i thought you were joking the belt doesnt mean shit when qi can be bought hello
and freeplay doesnt count qi
Last edited by Halu; Nov 22, 2023 at 03:01 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
EMS (Emergency Medical Services) | PT
Um Mamute pequenino queria voar
Originally Posted by 100USD View Post
in my opinion this is the worst game on the planet competitively so respectfully suck my dick and fuck you, fuck your mother, fuck your grandmother, and ur grandmother's mother's mother.

if you don't believe me then by all means go play vs Shine for 5 sets of first to 3 and tell me if your 10 years of experience in boxshu meant anything.

literally in no other game would you lose to someone who barely plays while you spend 12 hours a week on it. in fact, i can dumpster you on fortnite for 40 games in a row without dropping a single game right fuckin now. you can't do that on tb lol.
you shouldnt even be using 10% brain power to many streak a lobby full of differently abled people (public boxshu players) and yet you don't.

why? because unless you're felnin and have 0 life outside of tb for 19 out of 23 years of your life, you simply won't. shut your fucking stupid ass up about a fucking skill curve that only exists in singleplayer. nowhere else.
if you still don't believe me, look at cicada's thread. diamond had to play 15,900+ duels to be as good as he is. do you realize how much time and money that is?

you're better off going pro in smash bros
you will never ever match the sheer volume of tc that diamond dueled with or have as many people to duel against that he had or play as many duels as he did so until this game somehow revives itself back to its 2015-2017 days of competitive, consider this game worthess to play.

and yeah the amount of bs that happens in matches kinda sucks in a comp scene but i mean, look at ALGS and the bugs n bs they deal with on a much more expensive scale than toribash probably ever will even dream of.
was never comparing myself to anyone, just giving my perspective on where i stand, ive never played fortnite so id say maybe u could 40 streak me, and nah im usually just playing tb to chill the past few years, i used to take it serious and duel n shit back in like 2016 but i do care about the comp scene and what can be done to push the skill level of all players by looking at the limits of tb and what we can learn from it, diamond would be an excellent person to study, and i doubt id go pro in smash bros sounds like too much work, and its not about the money or tc; its about the gameplay and controlling and understanding the physics, thats all i give a shit about xd
Originally Posted by 100USD View Post
amount of games played in a mod means something. it's not hard to tell when it's enclave or not.

barely anyone else on the game is retarded enough to buy as much qi as enclave has for there to be a massive difference between skill level and belt

your stupid headcanon that belt means nothing would mean something if it wasnt painfully obvious who bought it
98% of all custom belts and above are good at the game. 99% of all belts below suck dick
honestly i hate noobs too they're always crybabies and have the worst takes about how toribash should be played.

reminds me of mma players and toriboxers

disregarding the bs in this comment, ur estimates of players skill is pretty similar to mine, can we try to pinpoint anything that could help beginners understand why the best do specific things, any mod u feel u got enough understanding in works fine
Last edited by Kirito; Nov 23, 2023 at 01:36 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
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Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.