Originally Posted by s1lvered View Post
Toribash core always was built around toxicity (due to competitive nature of the game) but because of bigger (much bigger actually) amount of active players it wasn't that obvious.

I'm missing forum activity, like you could refresh page every minute and there always was smth happening, now it is pretty calm out there.

Also wibbles, yes (#returnwibblesplease)

Off-topic is pretty much wibbles right now. Just less spammy.
Also no, I don't recall this much toxicity circa 2011-2014, more scam sure.
Naturally people would divert over to discord for the convenience but even then yes, the playerbase is suffering.
. . .
list0 on Discord, reach out for inquiries.
Or send me a private message, I'm responsive.


[7:19 PM] Aliosa: Can't have loopholes if there are no loops.

[9:14 AM] Viddah: Just remember if you step on toes youre gonna have to suck on them to make the pain go away
[9:16 AM] [Faux_fan]ancient: put me in the screenshot
can't tell
. . .
list0 on Discord, reach out for inquiries.
Or send me a private message, I'm responsive.


[7:19 PM] Aliosa: Can't have loopholes if there are no loops.

[9:14 AM] Viddah: Just remember if you step on toes youre gonna have to suck on them to make the pain go away
[9:16 AM] [Faux_fan]ancient: put me in the screenshot
Probably a hottake but from someone who doesnt interact a whole lot with the community and just observing it over my past decade, i noticed a massive change in toxicity around 2018-2019 when a bunch of lgbtq+ stuff was happening, i dont think lgbtq+ caused the toxicity but i can atleast remember i noticed everyone getting really toxic roughly around the same time as that scene started blowing up in tb, they had hella scams and a few bad actors here n there prior, now theres toxicity everywhere, i dont rlly know what caused it tho, just the timeframe of when it started

there was this one person that was incessantly attacking ppl and would harass me personally for my entire play sessions around that time, i think they had alot of forum posts as well that instigated a bunch of shit too
Last edited by Kirito; Dec 28, 2023 at 08:32 PM.
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
Originally Posted by Corey View Post
Toribash Mobile is going to catapult us back in time straight to the glory days. Just you watch.

Honestly I could believe that. A lot more people have phones than computers, and TB is kinda simple enough to play in a phone.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Originally Posted by Corey View Post
Toribash Mobile is going to catapult us back in time straight to the glory days. Just you watch.

will i be able to play toribash on my blackberry torch
EMS (Emergency Medical Services) | PT
Um Mamute pequenino queria voar
Originally Posted by SlyBash View Post
the sequel is (eventually) coming out. that will certainly breathe some new life into the game

Meanwhile we'll play the prequel (YOMI Hustle)

Originally Posted by Corey View Post
Toribash Mobile is going to catapult us back in time straight to the glory days. Just you watch.

I wholeheartedly agree with Corey; but it would need a campaign rollout or be blessed by the algorithm. Android Brazilians and in the great continent of Asia will single handedly revive the flames from such fading ember.

Replaymakers getting support and coverage is absolutely necessary also, which they are doing on tiktok, I see the effort from staff.