Endurance Onslaught 6.0
i think its pretty incredible that there is a black president in a white house built by slaves.
^garblejfidlssja beflijfdsl baeufkh dsjlinuefjdsl
I think Obama will be a good president compared to Bush. I hate how a lot of people look at him as some black guy who is going to ruin everything. He is very intelligent and a really great author, We read one of his books in my global class and i liked it. And SupaStevo is right. I hope he doesn't get shot by some racist fag, and yes he is almost as cool as JFK
Back from le-dead
Originally Posted by OrAclE View Post
I think it's a big risk for the advancing of blacks in society, based on the state of the economy. There's a potential risk that if Obama fails to halt the declining economy or worse, the economy enters a recession/depression while hes in office, some assinine people will blame the problems on colored people.

However, if he can halt it and bring the USA (and world for that matter) economy back to such a level as a few years before this looming recession, it might change some people's minds. Whether the KKK or some other racist group/individual get to him before he has a chance to make a difference is another matter though. In other words, whatever Obama does, the world will be a different place after his time as President. I just hope that this story has a happy ending.
I think he's a smart, gifted individual, and will do very well in leading America down the right path.

Though, I'm pretty sure someone'll send a bullet whistling through his head sooner or later down the line, i can only hope they don't.
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